gour: joined #tikiwiki
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gour: yesterday i dl-ed lastiki_BRANCH-20-x.zip and it is 3.9G!!! what is this??
luciash: hello, i'm looking at https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_markdown.php and wonder whether it would be easy to write another plugin, e.g. markdown-extra to get support for 'extra' features (supported in PHP Markdown Extra) by using https://github.com/erusev/parsedown & https://github.com/erusev/parsedown-extra ?
robertokir: hi gour
thanks for pointing to huge sized zip!
gour_: joined #tikiwiki
gour: robertokir: you're welcome! now i've have did a shallow clone from github and wonder if there are some steps required to perform before lanuching installer?
robertokir: hmmm not that I know of.
btw, we're investigating the 3.9 gb file.
gour: ok, i'll try installing just-cloned-repo-only ~300M :-)
and only 155M to scp to the server
robertokir: you're new/old Tiki dev?
robertokir: a little less than 2 years, I guess this is new, right?
Jyhem: pom pom
gour: robertokir: heh, in comparison with someone like myself, you're an old woolf ;)
Jyhem: doesn't your « shallow clone from github » come with only the Tiki source and no third party libraries?
-: gour can't be called an tiki-dev actually :-)
Jyhem: Meaning, you should probably run « sh setup.sh » → c → f → x
but the installer will tell you this also, I believe
gour: ok, we'll see very soon
Jyhem: you're right - "Tiki Installer missing third party software files "
it looks you're not producing some kind of 'nightly' releases to allow one to easily test upcoming release?
robertokir: polom jyhem
Jyhem: gour: not sure about how often these links are rebuilt
I just do « svn up » and get the new files. Surely git has an equivalent command :-)
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