gour: joined #tikiwiki
robertokir: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: polom
robertokir: wolob
sorry... wolod!
luciash: :)
gour: morning all
wikisuite chat is (again) down?
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
robertokir: not that I know of, gour
gour: robertokir: you're logged into wikisuite chat?
robertokir: No but I access it as anonymoys ant the real chat shows
gour: robertokir: i'm getting 'login failed' when trying to connect
robertokir: I've just done a successful login there.
gour: strange...i logged via web and i'm listed, but attempt from my client (profanity) fails :-(
robertokir: xmpp is too much for me... :)
gour: robertokir: well, almost same as irc...what do you use for IRC?
robertokir: for IRC I use pidgin
gour: robertokir: i was looking but could not find pidgin plugin to put everything under one window. do you know about it?
robertokir: no... for me (linux pc) it's a standalone app
gour: robertokir: yeah, i'm on linux too, but pidgin opens several windows when running, right?
robertokir: hmmm it's one window with N tabs. This tab we're using is #tikiwiki
gour: hmm, lastime i tried it, it was opening several windows, for chats, accounts...
robertokir: I don't love IRC. One of the reasons I'm trying to help dogfood wikisuite.chat
gour: robertokir: i'm just in few IRC channels, but prefer IRC over bloated stuff like Gitter, Slack, Discourse etc. forcing me to use special app for every 'protocol'. xmpp is also ok, but not via web - i prefer using cli client
luciash: one thing we are missing on xmpp chat is a public log of msgs like we have with irc.tiki.org
so we could link directly to a specific msg
(refer to)
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - HTML blockquote tag has no default CSS (visual styling) - http://dev.tiki.org/item7093-HTML-blockquote-tag-has-no-default-CSS-visual-styling
hRudi: joined #tikiwiki
If somebody registers in tikiwiki he can get an email to confirm registration. How to change that text and add dynamic text blocks or a link to the privacy page?
gour_: joined #tikiwiki
seamymsg: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - Non default WYSIWYG editor skin doesn't load - http://dev.tiki.org/item7094-Non-default-WYSIWYG-editor-skin-doesn-t-load
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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