robertokir: joined #tikiwiki
rsevero: Jyhem: I mean the file storage on the filesystem. I would like that TikiWiki would do the subdirectories creation automatically. Is it possible?
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mose: Jyhem: nan, c'est juste que I'm in progress of upgrading my tiki1.9 farm to php7
works quite fine
robertokir: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: What ??? tiki1.9 on php7? Can't work, PHP lost compatibility. Surey you also upgrade to modern Tiki versions?
mose: yeah but all my custom styles won't work on new tiki
of course it didn't work I patched like a bithc
not that much of a work, just had to remove the `=& new` and all the split/ereg/preg_replace with /e
all in all it works fine for most features
(also updated adodb and smarty to newer versions for more mitigation)
(and switched to mysqli)
it's like I have been forking a damn old shit
Dernière mise à jour CVS: Vendredi 26 Octobre, 2007 [23:59:54]
Jyhem: :-)
No "array()" → "[]" issues?
mose: actually no
but some vars changed like I had to change a few
Jyhem: Ohhh, someone rewrote them all. I thought is was required now. Good for you.
mose: like :%s/global $$(.*);/global ${$1};/
array() works fine in php7
Jyhem: good to know
I also have a tiki1.9 but it runs on php5.6 (I set my server to support multiple php versions)
mose: maybe I should push my changes somewhere on github, just for educational purpopses
Jyhem: bbl (hungry)
mose: but my tikis 1.9 are mostly for archives, so it just barely works when visiting them, not sure editing anything won't blow up
Jyhem: rsevero: Tiki does not do that. It even anonymizes file names as a security measure. So that nobody can access the file by bypassing the tiki permission checking in case you have this directory under the webroot
So this directory is basically just a database alternative for storage. Nothing more.
Do you hit a filesystem limit on number of files in a directory?
Tiki is all about adding new features for new use cases :-)
rsevero: Jyhem: I've got no problems with filenames being anonymized. My problem is to avoid an issue I had with a previous Drupal installation where uploaded files all ended i the same "storage" directory and after some months I had more than a thousand files on the same directory and even listing the directory started to get slow.
Jyhem: It wad not a hard limit but it started to get slow and messy. In Drupal I found an option to make it create subdirectories so I would not have one huge directory.
Any ideas on how to implement something like that in TikiWiki?
RadoS: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: I never gave it much thought. What did the Drupal subdirectories look like? dates? strings matching the start of the filename?
in 15 minutes:
Everybody is welcome
jonnyb: polom, on my way! :)
rsevero: Jyhem: In Drupal I could set the subdirectories structure using printf-like placeholders for date, time, type of content/page, categories, etc.
Jyhem: If I would like to implement such feature in TikiWiki, what would I have to do? I just read some TikiWiki documentation. IT seems that this "set personalized subdirectory strcture for files storage" woudln't be neither a module nor a plugin. Is that right? What should I create?
Jyhem: Sorry, attending right now. Later
robertokir: joined #tikiwiki
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Jyhem: rsevero: It looks like a new preference.
Obviously, the tricky part it to not break existing installations.
Does Drupal also anonymize file names? allowing so much flexibility in the filesystem makes it sound like they expect to navigate the file system and see meaningful stuff there (instead of hashed filenames)
I would have imagined selecting how deep the subdirectories should be and then put all files starting with aa* in a/a/ until z/z/ for filenames like zz*
For an example of 2 levels of subdirectories.
That would spread the files evenly and adress the use case you mentioned