fabricius1: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki gour: joined #tikiwiki robertokir: joined #tikiwiki
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joined #tikiwiki Jyhem: polom jonnyb: moloq Jyhem Jyhem: It's weird how much more stopwords MyIsam uses compared to InnoDB:
Hi jonnyb, how are you? -: Jyhem back from vacations. Starting a new project. jonnyb: Good thanks, and you? Quick vacation (wasn't it?) Jyhem: Yes, but a lot of fun. And the offline part was very relaxing :-) jonnyb: that is weird about the stopwords - i guess MyISAM fulltext search isn't too great -: Jyhem discovered that bad phone connexion means constant qurying for the phone network and accelerated draining of battery.
Jyhem found a novel use of the airplane setting Jyhem: No, it's not. Especially when people want to set "uses" as a freetag and tiki-browse_freetags.php finds it but LIST does not
I'm glad I guessed what was going on quickly. fabricius: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki Jyhem: Hmmm, are Packages going to be hosted on composer.tiki.org?
I just read that « Packages uses Composer which is a standard for PHP » on https://dev.tiki.org/Addons-Cleanup jonnyb: Jyhem: i think they're on https://packages.tiki.org/ but probably by default they come from packagist.org i think...
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