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jonnyb: polom
Anyone else finding down?
luciash: polom
jonnyb: pompom luciash
luciash: jonnyb: hello! I'm finding SSL certificates down
jonnyb: yup, me too - i sent an email to admins@
luciash: good opportunity to move to letsencrypt finally I guess
jonnyb: :)
luciash: problem is I have difficulties to get the emails from now
jonnyb: Sorry luciash, have client-facing crises to fix first :(
luciash: jonnyb: it wasn't meant as a request to you jonny to fix this at all! :)
jonnyb: I know, but no one else seems to be about… would like to help if i could :)
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luciash: yay, certificate seems valid again and on letsencrypt now
thanks anyone who fixed it!
at least for site
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