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jonnyb: polom
gour: molop
i've created a new instance with tiki-manager, but was not asked about admin's credentials. any hint?
i've created a new instance with tiki-manager, but was not asked about admin's credentials. any hint?
i've created a new instance with tiki-manager, but was not asked about admin's credentials. any hint?
i've created a new instance with tiki-manager, but was not asked about admin's credentials. any hint?
i was using '0' local option
i was using '0' local option
i was using '0' local option
i was using '0' local option
luciash: polom
jonnyb: pompom luciash and gour and all :)
pompom luciash and gour and all :)
pompom luciash and gour and all :)
pompom luciash and gour and all :)
luciash: hi gour, try if it is admin admin (if new instance and installation)
hi gour, try if it is admin admin (if new instance and installation)
hi gour, try if it is admin admin (if new instance and installation)
hi gour, try if it is admin admin (if new instance and installation)
hey jonnyb !
hey jonnyb !
hey jonnyb !
hey jonnyb !
jonnyb: sorry gour, not really looked at tiki-manager since it was trim
sorry gour, not really looked at tiki-manager since it was trim
sorry gour, not really looked at tiki-manager since it was trim
sorry gour, not really looked at tiki-manager since it was trim
luciash: yeah, same here actually
yeah, same here actually
yeah, same here actually
yeah, same here actually
gour: luciash: thanks. that was it
luciash: thanks. that was it
luciash: thanks. that was it
luciash: thanks. that was it
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