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gour_: joined #tikiwiki
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Hi, I have created login for accessing TikiWiki community website. When I try to login, it shows that I havent validated the account yet. I couldn't find the validation email in my inbox / junk. Is there a way to get the validation link again?
Hi, I have created login for accessing TikiWiki community website. When I try to login, it shows that I havent validated the account yet. I couldn't find the validation email in my inbox / junk. Is there a way to get the validation link again?
Hi, I have created login for accessing TikiWiki community website. When I try to login, it shows that I havent validated the account yet. I couldn't find the validation email in my inbox / junk. Is there a way to get the validation link again?
Jyhem: I found an "erbabu" user which registered 2 years ago (Registered 672 days ago)!
I found an "erbabu" user which registered 2 years ago (Registered 672 days ago)!
I found an "erbabu" user which registered 2 years ago (Registered 672 days ago)!
I sent the validation email agaoin
I sent the validation email agaoin
I sent the validation email agaoin
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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suraj: joined #tikiwiki
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Hi, I have run into a bit of a trouble, I am running tiki and upgraded to the latest version via the auto upgrade. When I was customising SEFUrl features, there was a tip to rename the _htaccess file to .htaccess which is not something new to me. However, when I tried to rename the file via my file-browser, it was denied as the file already
Hi, I have run into a bit of a trouble, I am running tiki and upgraded to the latest version via the auto upgrade. When I was customising SEFUrl features, there was a tip to rename the _htaccess file to .htaccess which is not something new to me. However, when I tried to rename the file via my file-browser, it was denied as the file already
Hi, I have run into a bit of a trouble, I am running tiki and upgraded to the latest version via the auto upgrade. When I was customising SEFUrl features, there was a tip to rename the _htaccess file to .htaccess which is not something new to me. However, when I tried to rename the file via my file-browser, it was denied as the file already
existed, somehow I was not able to see it and forced the rename. Now suddenly the site is producing 500 errors.
existed, somehow I was not able to see it and forced the rename. Now suddenly the site is producing 500 errors.
existed, somehow I was not able to see it and forced the rename. Now suddenly the site is producing 500 errors.
I have tried recovering the files from the trash and put it back in the same place, but the error continues.
I have tried recovering the files from the trash and put it back in the same place, but the error continues.
I have tried recovering the files from the trash and put it back in the same place, but the error continues.
When I try to visit the tiki-install, after deleting the lock file, in the hope to run the installer again to maybe fix the issue, I am getting the following error on the install page
When I try to visit the tiki-install, after deleting the lock file, in the hope to run the installer again to maybe fix the issue, I am getting the following error on the install page
When I try to visit the tiki-install, after deleting the lock file, in the hope to run the installer again to maybe fix the issue, I am getting the following error on the install page
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect_error() in /home/netpacas/public_html/vendor_bundled/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/drivers/adodb-mysqli.inc.php:795 Stack trace: #0 /home/netpacas/public_html/lib/core/TikiDb/Initializer/Adodb.php(30): ADODB_mysqli->ErrorMsg() #1
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect_error() in /home/netpacas/public_html/vendor_bundled/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/drivers/adodb-mysqli.inc.php:795 Stack trace: #0 /home/netpacas/public_html/lib/core/TikiDb/Initializer/Adodb.php(30): ADODB_mysqli->ErrorMsg() #1
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect_error() in /home/netpacas/public_html/vendor_bundled/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/drivers/adodb-mysqli.inc.php:795 Stack trace: #0 /home/netpacas/public_html/lib/core/TikiDb/Initializer/Adodb.php(30): ADODB_mysqli->ErrorMsg() #1
/home/netpacas/public_html/lib/core/TikiDb/Initializer.php(44): TikiDb_Initializer_Adodb->getConnection(Array) #2 /home/netpacas/public_html/lib/core/TikiDb/Initializer.php(37): TikiDb_Initializer->initialize(Object(TikiDb_Initializer_Adodb), Array) #3 /home/netpacas/public_html/db/tiki-db.php(227): TikiDb_Initializer->getConnection(Array) #4
/home/netpacas/public_html/lib/core/TikiDb/Initializer.php(44): TikiDb_Initializer_Adodb->getConnection(Array) #2 /home/netpacas/public_html/lib/core/TikiDb/Initializer.php(37): TikiDb_Initializer->initialize(Object(TikiDb_Initializer_Adodb), Array) #3 /home/netpacas/public_html/db/tiki-db.php(227): TikiDb_Initializer->getConnection(Array) #4
/home/netpacas/public_html/lib/core/TikiDb/Initializer.php(44): TikiDb_Initializer_Adodb->getConnection(Array) #2 /home/netpacas/public_html/lib/core/TikiDb/Initializer.php(37): TikiDb_Initializer->initialize(Object(TikiDb_Initializer_Adodb), Array) #3 /home/netpacas/public_html/db/tiki-db.php(227): TikiDb_Initializer->getConnection(Array) #4
/home/netpacas/public_html/tiki-install.php(41): require_once('/home/netpacas/...') #5 {main} thrown in /home/netpacas/public_html/vendor_bundled/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/drivers/adodb-mysqli.inc.php on line 795
/home/netpacas/public_html/tiki-install.php(41): require_once('/home/netpacas/...') #5 {main} thrown in /home/netpacas/public_html/vendor_bundled/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/drivers/adodb-mysqli.inc.php on line 795
/home/netpacas/public_html/tiki-install.php(41): require_once('/home/netpacas/...') #5 {main} thrown in /home/netpacas/public_html/vendor_bundled/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/drivers/adodb-mysqli.inc.php on line 795
I am very sure, I did not happen to touch any other file apart from the _htaccess / .htaccess files and after that, I just deleted the lock file in order to re-run the installer.
I am very sure, I did not happen to touch any other file apart from the _htaccess / .htaccess files and after that, I just deleted the lock file in order to re-run the installer.
I am very sure, I did not happen to touch any other file apart from the _htaccess / .htaccess files and after that, I just deleted the lock file in order to re-run the installer.
Any suggestions will be very helpful, to get the site back online
Any suggestions will be very helpful, to get the site back online
Any suggestions will be very helpful, to get the site back online
So I uncommented the line on htaccess to show the PHP errors, and after that, all urls are showing the same error as above.
So I uncommented the line on htaccess to show the PHP errors, and after that, all urls are showing the same error as above.
So I uncommented the line on htaccess to show the PHP errors, and after that, all urls are showing the same error as above.