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Hi all! I have a question. I'm looking for some project that will allow me to quickly create interface to my database in mysql, without having to write (almost) any code. Something like MS Access, but in web browser. Can Tikitrackers be used it?
Hi all! I have a question. I'm looking for some project that will allow me to quickly create interface to my database in mysql, without having to write (almost) any code. Something like MS Access, but in web browser. Can Tikitrackers be used it?
Tiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Jyhem: Tikitrackers does this. Almost no code, in wiki pages online, no database knowledge.
Tikitrackers does this. Almost no code, in wiki pages online, no database knowledge.
But it really manages the database for you.
But it really manages the database for you.
Staszek: It will not take over an existing database, sadly.
Staszek: It will not take over an existing database, sadly.
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