Circuitsoft: WikiText: On Android, you can use the ((|Strongswan)) VPN client to connect. All of the details above, for Windows, apply here too.
Rendered HTML: <p>On Android, you can use the <a href="tiki-editpage.php?" title="Create page: <a target="_blank" class="wiki external" href=""">"<span class="icon icon-link-external fas
fa-external-link-alt " ></span></a> class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips">Strongswan</a> VPN client to connect.
Ok, so issue is ((link)) vs [link]. Seems that the GUI editor put in a ((link)) for a URL.
fabricius1: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: ((page)) is for wiki pages. anything else is considered [external link]. Even if you wish to link to a blog post in the same Tiki site
((wiki page)) adds some magic like figuring out if the page exists already
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - Severe problems to log into d.t.o -
Recent Bug: - Migration of image gallery doesn't migrate -
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