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chibaguyRelated to the talk about editors and syntax, I hope it will be possible to use the CODE plugin to display . . . code . . . and have it display without parts getting removed. or without having to convert brackets, etc. first (Seems like a reasonable request, right? ;-) ) [00:49]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 14869 /branches/2.0/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Bad nested span removed from tiki-browse_gallery.tpl (was causing problem with watch icon), spans added to give list gallery same button look as browse gallery, button style, tocnav contrast, gallery thumb td borders fixed in darkroom.css. [02:24]
chibaguyChecking out the watch icon styling in tiki-browse_gallery.tpl, I found: <span class="button2"><a><span class="button2">link</span></a> .. <span....etc.> hm hm hm....I wondered why Firebug showed a span including two buttons and the icon.. [02:38]
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leon007Hi, I am becoming a regular here with my question... This time I hope it's something basic... If I have a wiki page say "Test2", and I want to have it named instead as "Description of Test2", can I rename the page without having to modify say 30 other pages that are linked to it?
Alternatively... Is there a concept of "Displayed page title" as opposed to "linked paged title"?
franckleon007: you can rename and all the linked wiki page will update
but only the wiki pages...
now what I often do, is that I enable the use page description in the wiki settings, and I modify the tpl file to make the page description the bigger title...
but I think if you enable use page description and disable show page name you get a similar result...
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leon007sorry, franck, I had to do something else and didn't see your reply... Let me have a quick look at the settings, since this is what I'd like to do, namely show description and not necessarily pages [04:24]
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leon007franck, another silly question, how do I set "description" for a page?
BTW, if I use {INCLUDE}, those didn't get updated with the changed name...
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chibaguyleon007, for page description, first make sure it's turned on on the admin-wiki page. Then there'll be a box to input it on the wiki edit page. [05:30]
PS|botSVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 14871 /trunk/templates/ (54 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Remaining instances of <a class="linkbut"> (those not inside div class="navbar" or already inside <span class="button2">, etc.) changed to <span class="button2"><a>, so all instances should have this format now. (A few files remaining pending commit conflict resolution.) [05:31]
leon007thanks chibaguy! is there a way to make description be filled in from the "page name" automatically? [05:41]
chibaguyNo, I don't think so. [05:43]
PS|botSVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 14872 /trunk/templates/ (4 files): [FIX] Remaining instances of <a class="linkbut"> (those not inside div class="navbar" or already inside <span class="button2">, etc.) changed to <span class="button2"><a>, so all instances should have this format now. [05:45]
leon007Thanks! and another basic wiki question... I want an image that goes with a wiki page to appear on the right and text to be wrapped around it (a common view that happens on Wikipedia).
but I don't seem to know how to do it with <image> tag... This is the place - http://www.schneidermans.org/Schneiderman+-+meaning+of+the+name
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chibaguyAre you using wiki syntax?
You can use something like {img src="img/wiki_up/my_image.jpg" imalign=right}
Sometimes I put the image in a div (using DIV plugin) to float it and give it some padding or border, etc.
(We need a doc or tutorial or FAQ on common wiki page layout techniques.)
leon007I am using wiki syntax - {img src="img/wiki_up/TheTailor.jpg" align=center imalign=right} [05:59]
chibaguyI'll crank up Firefox/Firebug and take a look.... [06:00]
leon007oh, taking align=center out helps a bit
is there a way to specify more padding around the image?
(sorry for such basic questions)
chibaguyAccording to Firebug, the image is in a div that's full-width, which explains why the text isn't flowing around it. [06:03]
I'm comparing to a page where I have an image floated right using the img syntax, and in my case the image is in a span, not a div.
I wonder if you could try your img syntax again, to make sure it's right, or changing some of the details.
leon007ok, let me play around... I did use {img}, i.e. wiki originally, now I switched to <img >, i.e. html syntax
chibaguyOk, I see you've made changes. Funny, but the page source is still different than mine. I guess the syntax info difference accounts for it.
Ah, I see. Well, I like the wiki syntax so tend to use it all the time.
About the padding, you can put it in a div, as I mentioned. Or actually I made an IMGSTYLED plugin that has margin parameters, etc. Haven't used it in a while so don't know if it's still compatible.
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leon007oh, that would be good to get hold of that plugin... I am concerned that people that are not so computer literate will have a hard time adding in a picture :( But I played around and got the best results with html so far... [06:18]
chibaguyI don't know why {IMG(src=xxx imalign=right} didn't work for you. It does for me.
Uh {img src="img/wiki_up/my_image.jpg" imalign=right}
leon007chibaguy, it did work for me, but not so nicely... the text was too close to the image... I think it also depended on location of where I stuck the image... Where I put it now, looks good, so probably {} would also work now... I can try [06:26]
chibaguyYeah, maybe the img tag should have a margin either built in by default or configurable as a parameter.
Possibly the theme stylesheet could set it, not sure.
Ah yeah, I remember the issue there. Any .wikitext img property also applies to smileys and other odds and ends because none of these have their own class, last time I checked.
leon007documentation says that hspace is supported for img, but it didn't seem to work for me for some reason in wiki format... I also checked wisywig editor, there image insertion is pretty decent, I think [06:30]
chibaguyhspace is deprecated, if I recall correctly. CSS should be used instead.
(same with align as a tag, I believe)
leon007yeah, so may be I should add it to my own css - when I get to such "advanced features" ;) - but now it's time for bed - have a good one and thanks for all your help! [06:39]
chibaguyok cya later [06:39]
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chibaguythe {img} tag needs a class parameter, I think. [06:47]
Ah, undocumented (so far) feature: it does support class parameter. Then the img with the configurable class is inside a span.img. [06:53]
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chibaguySince img supports class, the stylesheet could have, maybe under .wikitext, .imgleft and .imgright that would have 0 margin on their page-border side, to be flush, and 8px or whatever on the text side. This would solive the text-up-against-the-img problem, and keep the margins straight. [06:59]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 14873 /trunk/styles/darkroom.css: [FIX] .rbox and other misc. small fixes [07:33]
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stixwhere can I see what's new in 2.1? [08:23]
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luciashstix: here → http://info.tikiwiki.org/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=40 [08:46]
stixthanks :) [08:46]
luciashsee the changelog [08:47]
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lq_726i've been trying to modify planetfall theme for tikiwiki 2+ to get the left column back to left, but i only manage to break the theme
can someone help how is it done?
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lq_726nevermind, i deleted cache and now it works... [10:32]
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komodo has joined #tikiwiki [11:08]
komodohi, first thanks for work at tiki. we use tiki dalily and it's great. but, i have upgraded from 1.9 to 2.1, everything is ok, except that thing, that i can't see Search when i am not logged in. i have enabled search_box module and rights are for Anonymous and Registered. but i thing it's theme problem because when i change the theme to defautl then i can see search box. can you please help me ? i dont want use default theme [11:12]
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stixkomodo, there is a new permission in 2.0, tiki_p_search tiki Can search
if you dont assign that to the usergroup the search box will not be displayed
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philippebackI am having trouble with the security filter turning javascript into ja<x>va script... any way to turn that off for specific cases ?
another question: how to turn off captions of boxes selectively ? I am doing a GoBack module: {MODULE(module=>GoBackModule)}{MODULE}
komodostix: thankoyu, but sorry for stupid question, where can i modify these settings ? [11:49]
philippebackbut it turns out that my javascript in the module is filtered too ! [11:49]
stixkomodo, you can do that here tiki-assignpermission.php?group=groupname [11:50]
komodostix, thanks, but is there some direct link to this from Admin section ? [11:51]
philippebackbottom of screens in admin : groups
that damn list with everything in the bottom of the page. Or in the admin menu: groups
click on the key icon
komodoyeah there it is :-) thanks , i have always click on the group name link [11:54]
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komodoit works, Search box is there , thanks for the help :-) [11:56]
philippebackno issue, I am fighting with the beast too :-) [11:58]
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philippebackI am trying to do a module (JS mod installed) but Javascript got scraped out...
<table><tr><td>Back to<br/>
previous page</td><td>
document.write('<a href="ja<x>vascript:history.go(-1)">
<img src="img/trionis/arrow_left.gif" border="0"/>
also, using the thing in a MODULE with decorations=n and notitle=y still give me a titled and decorated box :-( any clue ?
If all else fails, I am willing to write my own plugin for this goback feature since it is either somewhat missing or unknown to me.
so, where is the doc for writing a plugin ? Not found on the doc site...
sylviegcan you put your jaavscript in a file and use JS with a file aprameter? [12:30]
philippebackactually yes I can
I didn't tought about that :-)
any idea about the decorated box ? It's driving me nuts.
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marclaportehi philippeback! I am pleased to see you here [12:36]
I am now hooked to the tiki :-)
Now doing this site for a commercial banking org.
maybe a good case when done since I sweated quite significantly on CSS styling etc.
SPLIT() is a godsend :-)
but CSS menus with | between items are giving me headaches... I'll have to do my own php junk if I want to be on time.
<table><tr><td>Back to<br/>
previous page</td><td>{JS(src=lib/trionis/goback.js)/}
document.write('<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)"><img src="/img/arrow_left.gif" border="0"/></a>');
mmh, bakc to the drawing board...
sylvieg(for css menu- you have a lot of examples on the web about the suckerfish menus...it can help) [12:40]
philippebackyes, I've a pack of books from sitepoint about that.
spend several hours already but not able to do what the customer wants in a cross browser fashion. Nevermind.. :-)
no way with the javascript...
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marclaporteI made a back plugin once [12:49]
philippebacknot in the list I am afraid [12:50]
marclaporte2min [12:50]
philippeback: : try: <input type=button value="Retour à la page précédente" inhibited_Click="history.go(-1)"> [13:02]
philippebackcoding... [13:02]
marclaportenaw, probably broken
with new security stuff
philippebackmmmh [13:03]
marclaporteoh well [13:03]
philippebackso ?
how can I write my own module or prevent security to happen ?
I mean plugin
or... where is security located in code so that I can change it my way for this install...
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sylviegnkoth3: what happens to the mozilla guy who was working on tw search? any result? [13:37]
nkoth3there is a sphinx search ready.... somewhat
meaning there is a searchlib.php
i mean sphinxlib.php
sylviegcool [13:37]
nkoth3i am supposed to document it as a package by the end of the month
i'll post it to dev.tw.o at the same time
sylviegthx [13:41]
nkoth3we still are facing a bug with some unicode char in sphinx
in general it is ok, but there are some character than seem to crash sphinx when it tries to index
maybe someone can figure that out once it is tested
sylviegAre the perms integrated in sphinxlib or it is a post filter? [13:51]
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nkoth3sylvieg: perms are post filter
hi super, btw
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philippebackproblem with go back fixed. made my own (dirty) plugin since the code emitted by it not filtered. [15:29]
PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14875 /trunk/tiki-list_users.php: [FIX] display the name of the missing feature: shoukld be nice to replace with the info in features.csv - any volunteer? [15:36]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14876 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): index on tiki_banners [16:03]
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joe55can I get some help with an installation problem? When i try to run tiki-install.php it just shows up completely white
if I go to view source, there is nothing there
this is on a debian server
any ideas?
snarlydwarfanything in the apache error log? [16:37]
joe55where is the apache error log?
snarlydwarfsylvieg: in tiki-edit_blog.php there is a line (cvs rev 6400, so ancient) that sets a redirect to location: tiki-list_blogs.php?blogId=$bid ... but I dont see anything in tiki-list_blogs.php that references the blogId as a param. is that cruft?
on debian /var/log/apache/error.log or apache2/error.log
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iannhigginsonhello all [16:40]
joe55there doesn't appear to be anything related to this [16:41]
snarlydwarfno php compile errors or anything? [16:42]
joe55oh wait... it's not in order
line 1 is a PHP Warning: Unable to initialize 'ionCube Loader'
snarlydwarfwelll that is odd.. ionCube is a thingie to let you encrypt your php files, only useful if you are developing or using proprietary PHP code where viewing source is considered a sin.
tiki is open source so doesnt need such a thing. viewing and changing source is your Tiki-given right.
joe55there is a line: Apache/2.2.3 (Debian) PHP/4.4.8-8+etch6 mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8c mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.8.8 configured [16:46]
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joe55the ionCube may not be related to tiki [16:46]
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snarlydwarfwell i dunno what it would do if it cant initialize
echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" > testfile.php
and see if testfile.php shows you anything
it should print a bunch of boring stuff for you
joe55i've messed with it before
want to see?
snarlydwarfif that fails to run, I would look at ioncube and why it thinks it needs it
not really, just seeing if php is even running
joe55yea, we have phpbb running [16:49]
snarlydwarfso it can run a phpinfo() program? tried it in the same dir as tw? [16:49]
joe55i want to switch to tikiwiki
oh not yet
snarlydwarfit may be enabled for some directories
ie "/var/www/data" gets it, but nothing else
and good for getting away from evil stuff
no source sucks sucks sucks.
joe55i agree [16:50]
snarlydwarfand that renders? [16:50]
joe55yes [16:50]
snarlydwarfhrrm, tiki-install isnt that complex.. it should whine a bunch if it has a problem
try touch tiki/db/lock
that should break the installer
but that is good, cause it checks that file at the very start
joe55should there be output? [16:51]
snarlydwarfso it should at least whine and say "sorry, you cant install"
Installer disabled. Remove 'db/lock' to enable the installer.'
is what it should say
joe55i mean from the touch command [16:52]
snarlydwarfwell minus the funky escapes
ah, no , touch is quiet
it just creates a file
joe55yea, it's whining now
"Installer disabled. Remove 'db/lock' to enable the installer."
snarlydwarfk, you can rm tiki/db/lock then [16:52]
joe55alright, done [16:53]
snarlydwarfhrm, not sure what a new install would do if permissions are wrong. have you run setup.sh? [16:53]
joe55setup.sh root www-data
should I try root root?
snarlydwarfnah, needs to be www-data so tw can write to it
should be www-data www-data
that just goes through ans sets permissions on everything 'correctly'
joe55right [16:55]
snarlydwarfso tw can read what it needs and write what it needs but nothing else [16:55]
joe55i re-ran it with www-data www-data
still nothing
i dont have any other ideas on why it should be silent
joe55:( [16:57]
snarlydwarfis there a tiki/db/local.php file? [16:58]
joe55nope [16:58]
snarlydwarfgood there shouldnt be yet [16:58]
joe55http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Installation+Problems&bl=y#All_I_can_see_is_a_blank_page [16:59]
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joe55i've been trying those things
no luck yet :(
snarlydwarfhrm i dont recall doing any of that on debian, it just worked... but iḿam ancient and senile so dunno what i installed [17:01]
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snarlydwarfapt-get install php-pear (assuming php5) [17:01]
joe55PHP Version 4.4.4-8+etch6 [17:01]
snarlydwarfoh i see.. php4
apt-get install php4-pear
(and php5 is much nicer than php4 which is ancient)
joe55seems to have pear [17:02]
snarlydwarfah php-pear should work on php4 [17:02]
the path to pear in include_path in the php_info seems to be wrong
snarlydwarf* Uncomment line 4 (UNIX) or line 8 (Windows) of db/tiki-db.php and Tiki will use a bundled PEAR::db distribution. It will work.
never tried that myself
tho those lines dont match my source...
joe55that can't be up to date
what do you think of uncommenting line 9?
snarlydwarfmy guess is it is the api_tiki= pear, and then comment out the adodb one [17:06]
still nothing :(
I guess i'll try to find pear and update the php.ini
snarlydwarfadding the die()s didnt show anything? [17:08]
joe55let me try that now [17:09]
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joe55line 142? [17:10]
iannhigginsonif (isset($_REQUEST['pos'])) {
$smarty->assign('pos', $_REQUEST['pos']);
snarlydwarfhrrm, dunno, have trunk on my system [17:11]
it's using adodb
so it won't even hit the DB.php line
iannhigginson? how would I find that out [17:13]
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ricks99hi all :) [17:14]
joe55hmmmm, when i view source in IE i get something [17:14]
ricks99is there any tiki-mechanism to allow an anonymous visitor to "monitor" a page?
i know anonymous visitors can subscribe their email to a newsletter, but is there a way to monitor a wiki page ?
joe55it's only 3 lines nothing that would display anything [17:15]
snarlydwarfyou can change your include path in /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini [17:15]
iannhigginsonlooking [17:15]
snarlydwarfstock debian is to not have that set [17:15]
joe55what path am i setting? [17:16]
snarlydwarfsee if include_path is set there
or in the parent directory of tiki's .htaccess
joe55looks as if it's commented out [17:16]
iannhigginsonline ? [17:17]
snarlydwarfit should be... if tw is running in a subdir, the parent directory may have something to set the include path as well [17:17]
joe55php_info had an include path [17:17]
snarlydwarfis /var/www/foobar/tiki, if /var/www/foobar/.htaccess sets the include path, that will inherit
it should be ;include_path = ".:/usr/share/php"
joe55.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear [17:18]
snarlydwarfhrm, that should be fine, too php-pear installs into /usr/share/php [17:18]
joe55that /usr/share/pear doesn't exist [17:18]
snarlydwarfyeah well it is checked last on the list [17:19]
joe55i'm not sure where it's getting that from [17:19]
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snarlydwarfso it should look in "." and then in /usr/share/php and then find it [17:19]
joe55there is a PEAR folder in /usr/share/php
and a PEAR.php in the folder itself
snarlydwarfright, so including PEAR/something will work [17:20]
joe55right [17:20]
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joe55if i make changes to php.ini are those just picked up? [17:20]
snarlydwarfhave to restart apache for those [17:20]
joe55how do i do that?
i turned off magic quotes earlier
snarlydwarfapachectl restart
er, apache2ctl restart
or /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
joe55it restarted
still didn't work
snarlydwarfvery blank. no clue what it is barfing on.. :/ [17:26]
joe55yea [17:26]
WildPikachui love tikiwiki :) [17:27]
joe55should i try version 1.9.11?
hmmm looking at another phpinfo
it has this row: './configure' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-calendar' '--enable-discard-path' '--enable-exif' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--enable-libxml' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-sockets' '--prefix=/usr/php4' '--with-curl=/opt/curlssl/' '--with-dom=/opt/xml2/' '--with-dom-exslt=/opt/xslt/' '--with-dom-xslt=/opt/xslt/' '--with-expat-dir=/usr'...
...'--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--with-gd' '--with-iconv' '--with-imap=/opt/php_with_imap_client/' '--with-imap-ssl=/usr' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-kerberos' '--with-libxml-dir=/opt/xml2/' '--with-mcrypt=/opt/libmcrypt/' '--with-mysql=/usr' '--with-mysql-sock=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-openssl-dir=/usr' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '--with-ttf' '--with-xmlrpc'...
...'--with-xpm-dir=/usr' '--with-zip=/opt/zzip/' '--with-zlib' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr'
that's not in the one with tiki
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joe55interesting thing
I tried version 1.9.11
it said the HD was ful
turns out, it just may be...
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marclaporteJust saw this: http://waterandstone.com/downloads/2008OpenSourceCMSMarketSurvey.pdf [18:02]
PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14877 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/ (14 files): [FIX]plugin: values like y or n must not be translated [18:07]
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ricks99@marc: yeah, i saw that a while ago [18:10]
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snarlydwarfmarclaporte: hrrm.. dont think i like their methodology on that
my bet is that a tw site is more likely to be an 'internal' site than drupal or wordpress would be
joe55i'm using it external [18:24]
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joe55it has everything i'm looking for wysiwyg editor
bug tracking
ricks99too bad "smarties" isnt listed as in print :) [18:24]
joe55what's smarties? [18:24]
snarlydwarfheh, yeah, i just think basing "number of public sites" as a metric for usage is silly
1283908 people using wordpress for personal blogs isnt really the same thing
Tikiwiki for Smarties
it was the hard drive being full
i could kill our IT guy
snarlydwarfthe books thing is lame, too. I havent bought a computer book in ages, they are always out of date [18:25]
ricks99don't know... usage is a good measure of acceptance
with books, the point is that people write books for items that are leaders.
(or perceived to be leaders)
snarlydwarfassuming the usage is an apples/oranges comparison
wordpress has a ton of personal blogs, which arent really the same thing as what a real cms does
and joomla.. eww.
snarlydwarf tried joomla once and cried at the bizarre permissions
as in file permissions
ricks99maybe, but their default install *looks* slick [18:28]
snarlydwarfsince it liked to write all over the place [18:28]
joe55what's the best profile to start with? (I want bug tracking, forums, wiki, and file gallery) [18:29]
snarlydwarfdoes anyone still use php-nuke instead of postnuke? [18:29]
ricks99i think its interesting what the study *did not* look at: developer community, rate of code commits, etc. [18:29]
snarlydwarfi just did default, and turn the things on that i wanted [18:29]
ricks99support forum activity, mailing lists, etc. [18:29]
snarlydwarfits pretty mindless to turn on features in tw [18:30]
joe55snarlydwarf: thanks (thanks for all your help today, sorry for it being a full HD causing the problem) [18:30]
snarlydwarflol no problem.. got sidetracked by boss
just seems strange that of the projects I have had to do here, joomla and wordpress which seem to be faves there, sucked
drupal5 (cough, 6 months after release and dru6 still is mising most of the really useful modules) and tw win hands down.
NefariousCI think wordpress is pretty good. [18:33]
ricks99dont forget, study was published by agency wpcializing in joomla, wordpress, and drupal
take it with a grain of salt
snarlydwarfheh yeah saw that at the end
joomla is evil tho.. it pretends to make modules easy to install
but then it has to ftp them to itself..
and you end up with some bizarre ownership on things.
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kerrnelWas there a bug in trackerfilter in 2.0? [18:37]
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WildPikachuargh ... which option to set/unset not to display modification info at the bottom of wiki pages?
WildPikachu lewks
ricks99Admin: WIki page, List Authors option [18:54]
WildPikachucound it :)
thanks ricks99
ricks99see docs: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/wiki+config
in 2.0, can override on page-by-page basis
WildPikachuoooo [18:55]
ricks99indeed [18:56]
kerrnelAnybody aware of a bug in trackerfilter in 2.0 where it wont' display anything? [19:05]
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FoxBoyAnyone here?
I need some help installing tikiwiki
ricks99what is the problem? [19:17]
FoxBoyI'm trying to install it on a windows home server.. Is that possible btw?
I'm running php, mysql and a forum there already
Well. I guess thanks for trying ricks99. Anyone else wanna help?
The problem I'm running into is this : PHP Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(C:DOCUME~1<User>LOCALS~1Tempphpsession.... Permission denied (13)
ricks99does tiki have write permission to that directory? [19:24]
FoxBoyWell, that's a good question. Seems like the installer wanna use the windows temp-directory. But who is the "tiki" user in question during installation? [19:25]
ricks99you need to make sure the directory is writateble (for exampel 7-7-5 or 7-7-7
the location for storing php sessions is defined in your php.ini file
kerrnelThat doesn't apply in windows I don't think ricks [19:26]
ricks99does on my vista pc [19:27]
kerrnelAh, I haven't graduated to vista yet. lol I stand corrected [19:27]
ricks99using easyphp i can set the lcoation to store the session in my php.ini [19:27]
kerrnelFoxBoy, just make sure that the directory is writeable by all [19:27]
FoxBoyI'm not sure who's the "user" on my server during installation. Isn't that "guest" as they're defined in windows? [19:27]
lphuberdeau_try to use a shorter path... one that does not require ~
c:temp is usually good
kerrnelFoxBoy, it might try and run as System or something. [19:28]
ricks99ur running tiki locally on ur pc? the "user" is ur windows user [19:28]
FoxBoyWell, the problem is. I tried to alter the TMP and TEMP environment variables on the server to a directory with all rights but the installer still wanna go to c:documents and settingstemp blah blah... [19:29]
ricks99o... windows server. my misuderstanding. [19:29]
FoxBoyYep, windows 2003 server
Actually it's a Windows Home Server
And I'm installing it from another PC on the network
ricks99have u seen docs: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Installation+Guides&bl=y [19:30]
FoxBoyYep, I've read my eyes red ricks ;) [19:31]
ricks99not sure i can help :( [19:31]
FoxBoyI'm able to start the installer and it gives me an option to create the default database. All looks good, until I press the <Install> button. Then I get a Security Alert!
The Tiki installer can be used only by the site administrator. Please enter the database credentials as a verification. If you forgot about them, they are located in 'db/local.php'
ricks99ah.. i *can* help... i had the same issue not to long ago
verify that the session location in your php.ini is writable
FoxBoyThe database credentials are right, and I get a warning about PHP Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(C:DOCUME~1<The username here>LOCALS~1Tempphpsessionsess_5eelm55r07fppes0rdqfd3hkt3, O_RDWR) failed: [19:34]
ricks99yes. the directory is not writeable [19:34]
FoxBoyoh, sec ricks99 [19:35]
ricks99look for session.save_path = [19:36]
FoxBoyWhere's php.ini? [19:37]
ricks99not sure....mine is in my server root [19:37]
FoxBoyOk, searching [19:38]
ricks99but u can create a new one and place it in the <tiki_install> directory. settings will cascade with no problems
you could simply redefine the session.save_path for that directory only
FoxBoyOh, good. thanks! [19:38]
Ricks99. Lotsa kisses! you tha man ! [19:44]
send beer
FoxBoySorry, I only have bacardi-cola. will that do? [19:46]
ricks99rum is fine :) [19:47]
FoxBoyYeah, it certainly is!
Just a "minor problem" now
I can't get in ;)
To begin configuring Tiki, please login as the Admin.
PS|botSVN: Commit by ricks99 :: r 14878 /branches/2.0/templates/tiki-register.tpl: [FIX]show min length for username [19:50]
FoxBoyBut I am trying to do just that! And I get a Invalid username
Any ideas?
SEWilco2Is it "Admin" or "admin"? [19:53]
FoxBoyNone of the above. to be honest I'm a bit afraid to give too much info. Where can I check for the "admin" user name?
Ok, I'll use google
ricks99default username: admin
default pw: admin
should have been shown on the very last install screen before you clicked "enter"
FoxBoyWell ricks99, you're right again. Can I blame the bacardi's for not reading all the info ;) [20:01]
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FoxBoyYou've been a great help mate
This is the default HomePage for your Tiki. If you are seeing this page, your installation was successful.
ricks99ur in
@FoxBoy: try http://twbasics.keycontent.org
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FoxBoyNice page. thanks!
Now get on World of warcraft and let's do some raiding together ;)
SEWilco2I want to fetch a random image from an imagegal. Does it seem reasonable to extend show_image.php with options "galname" and "galid"? So http:show_image?galid=1 will return an image from imagegal 1?
Or would "dirname" and "dirid" be better?
ricks99can't u just use {gallery id=1} [20:21]
SEWilco2ricks99: I want to show a random image in the site banner, so it's an HTML incantation problem. [20:22]
ricks99ahh [20:23]
SEWilco2I'll look for the gallery plugin code to see how that works. But I'm not aware of a URL interface to plugin results.
Since show_image is our URL-to-image interface, that seemed like the place to request an image.
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snarlydwarfhrrm i show a random image from a specific gal.. lemme look at what i did
but first, time to smack ff again for dying
yeah i just used galleryId=1 as the params in the module
you doing this in wiki or as a module?
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SEWilco2Sorry, Firefox crashed when I turned my back.
ricks99: I'm not finding a gallery plugin. Is that what {gallery} would activate?
I do see lib/smarty_tiki/function.gallery.php but is {} how a Smarty function would be activated?
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goldie83hi, need help with tiki-map.php [21:25]
ricks99its not a "real" plugin
it is like {toc}
i believe it is defined in tikilib
goldie83i getting always a blank page when i open this page [21:27]
snarlydwarfSEWilco2: are you wanting it as a module or thrown into a wiki page
for a wiki page you would need to use the {MODULE} plugin
ricks99its not a "real" module. [21:28]
PS|botSVN: Commit by brian_moore :: r 14879 /trunk/ (10 files in 2 dirs): more sefurl-ing on blogs and image gals [21:29]
snarlydwarfthe random image one is?
its mod-random_images.php
SEWilco2snarlydwarf: I'm going to code a random-gallery image URL. Just looking for code to steal... all six lines or so of code. [21:29]
ricks99SEWilco2: it is in tikilib [21:29]
snarlydwarflook at modules/mod-random_images.php [21:30]
SEWilco2ricks99 mentioned a {gallery} so I was looking for that code. Yes, I know about random_images too. [21:30]
snarlydwarfjust steal that.. it calls get_random_image in imagegallib [21:30]
ricks99SEWilco2: see functionget_random_image in tikilib.php [21:30]
SEWilco2ricks99: Yup. And image lib's get_gallery_image(). [21:31]
ricks99i have a q: how to use attachements with trackers with the {TRACKER} plugin? [21:32]
sylvieguse a field type attachment (see doc.tw.org) [21:33]
ricks99ah.. im on 1.9.x :(
SEWilco2ricks99: Do you mean have TRACKER display the attachment or how to tell TRACKER which attachment?
SEWilco2 rolls snake eyes.
ricks99i want users to add an attachement when creating a tracker item (via the TRACKER plugin)
the attachement field looks like xactly what i need...
introduced in 2.0 :(
tx sylvieg
lphuberdeau_ricks, time to upgrade? [21:36]
goldie83i have a fresh install of tikiwiki-2.1, installed on gentoo, got stuck on the howto from InstallMapserverTikiwikiGentoo after the configuration part... [21:36]
ricks99y, but the site is heavily customized. we're pushing for a redsign so i want to start fresh with 2.x
design by committee == takes forever
lphuberdeau_maybe you should redesign for 3.0 ;) [21:37]
ricks99lol [21:37]
goldie83php stops in $image_url = $image->saveWebImage(); - had someone this problem? [21:42]
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SEWilco2SEWilco2 hangs up a redsign and takes a break.
goldie83: Check if the disk is full and check permissions on where the image is being stored (file directory or database?)
SEWilco2 pushes the button and lights up the red fluorescent tube on the sign.
goldie83disk isn't full, permissions are ok
another question should $map->drawquery something return?, its the line above $image->saveWebImage()
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SEWilco2goldie83: Check phpinfo -- maybe the image is larger than the PHP upload limits.
SEWilco2 kicks redsign back into corner.
Should I file a tracker request to remove "Welcome to TikiWiki! - " from channel header because it's getting too long? Also shorter phrasing is "Use http://sh.nu/p for large pasting."
SEWilco2 declines order to "have fun!"
goldie83upload_max_filesize was 2mb - changed to 64mb - nothing changed
but i didn't upload any files via php
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sylvieggoldie83: not enough memory? [22:29]
SEWilco2goldie83: I think there is more than one php setting which can affect image uploads.
Oh, but you didn't upload via PHP anyway. Never mind.
Is the picture too naughty? if it is, we'd better take a look.
Oh, the error involves WebImage() -- with a name like that I thought PHP upload might be involved.
goldie83heh, my apache is currenty only binded on, but i can change that fast ;) [22:35]
SEWilco2No need to access your web site until after you succeed in uploading naughty picture. :-)
Hmm. Are you doing something with an image file or are you trying the sketched Drawing feature?
(checks backscroll...) You're getting an error while trying to configure?
marclaportesnarlydwarf: : ping [22:39]
snarlydwarfpong? [22:39]
marclaporteyou said: http://irc.tikiwiki.org/irclogger_log/tikiwiki?date=2008-09-26,Fri&sel=427#l423
could this be used to make theme installs easier?

for us?
snarlydwarfi hope not
think a better way would be for setup.sh to change perms on styles directories
joomla does nasty evil stuff, basically have to have the docroot in an ftp directory... and then it downloads the module, and ftps it to itself
for those of us paranoid and liking chroot'd ftp's.. that means allowing an ftp user into the docroot
and that user with perms to stomp on anything, just seems horribly hackish and i never did get it to work nice
think making setup.sh 'open' the styles, and handling it sort of like mods are done, then setup.sh closing it, would be nicer
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kerrnelWhy not use an upload form? [22:43]
lphuberdeau_if you're going to run a script, why not run one that installs the style altogether? [22:44]
snarlydwarfthen you dont get the pretty gui selector thingie
"lemme grab 21830 themes and then play with them"
goldie83i have taken the tikiwiki-mapdata-0.1.tar.bz2 unpacked and configured (I hope correctly) - and hoped that the tiki-map can render it [22:44]
kerrnelCreate an "add theme" thing or something, it prompts you to upload the package file, it'll do what it needs on the back-end, and put it where the files need to go [22:44]
snarlydwarfkerrnel: isnt that like how mod installs work now? [22:45]
kerrnelOr allow you to browse the packages on themes.tw.o and install from there
snarlydwarfthe script part i mean [22:45]
kerrnelYou have to have the mod package in a particular directory
Yeah, but the mod package is real confusing
snarlydwarfyeah but there is a script that takes the mods and dumps them in various places [22:45]
kerrnelYou should be able to build a package from the website. [22:45]
snarlydwarfalmost anything is better than the evilness that joomla does for it. [22:46]
kerrnelIdeally, to avoid compression and stuff, compile everything into an xml file [22:46]
snarlydwarfi would rather not even have an ftp server installed since i think it is a sucky protocol [22:46]
kerrnelagreed. seriously, use the website, that way permissions are superfluous [22:47]
snarlydwarfit basically uses ftp as a way to sudo itself [22:47]
lphuberdeau_I don't think giving your web server access to itself makes any sense [22:47]
snarlydwarfheh, nor i. [22:47]
lphuberdeau_can be really dangerous [22:47]
snarlydwarfespecially since now if someone breaks into your site, they get an ftp password that by nature lets them scribble anywhere [22:47]
kerrnelWe're trying to make it easy for people to do this. [22:48]
snarlydwarfkerrnel: agreed... tw could benefit from making themes easier to install [22:48]
kerrnelI'm sure that something can be written to parse through a theme package and make sure it's secure and not doing something bad. [22:49]
snarlydwarfjust the joomla way doesnt seem any better, modules are so easy to install and it mostly sorta works with themes... [22:49]
kerrnelkeep it all on the server-side. user uses a theme upload form, or browses the theme site, says install this one, and it'll process the package, check it for whatever, and if its good, it'll install it. [22:50]
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goldie83SEWilco2: i'm trying to complete the howto on http://maps.tikiwiki.org/InstallMapserverTikiwikiGentoo but i got stuck on "open tiki-map.phtml see what happens ;)" [22:52]
SEWilco2Oh, the Mapserver. I'm a GeoServer user and haven't tinkered with that yet.
So saveWebImage might be trying to save a map image? Does Mapserver installation require specification of a directory for such images?
(looks at Maps config...) Well, that should be handled by the howto. I don't know what it's trying to do.
many people don't have shell and can't run setup.sh
and mods.tikiwiki.org doesn't work for everyone
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marclaporteSo I am wondering how theme installation could be easier, especially since we are supposed to reduce the number of bundled themes [22:59]
goldie83SEWilco2: one thing i've found - was a "temp directory" on http://www.maptools.org/php_mapscript/index.phtml?page=phpmapscript-class-guide.html [23:01]
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goldie83after that i looked into the source and my guess: the temp dir is /var/www/.../images, not a /tmp directory [23:04]
snarlydwarfmarclaporte: i havent looked at the tgzs on themes.tw.o, is just untaring them in the tikiroot the way to install them? [23:05]
SEWilco2I have no idea. [23:05]
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snarlydwarfthink if thats the case, then kerrnel's method may be the best, http upload for the tgz and an untarrer that perhaps added some checks to make sure files were only in the proper styles directories
(just because I am paranoid)... for completeness, something to grab them directly from themes.tw.o might be nice like mods has
but would have to make sure permissions were right on styles directories, but that is always going to be a problem
have to make sure permissions are right on all the cache directories and such now
goldie83I will fill a bug report and see what happens. the last report to "map" was at 01-2007 ;)
SEWilco2: thanks anyway
macjaegerhmm... 2.1 is out? i just had someone install 2.0 for me, and only have ftp-access to the site myself, no shell, no root. can i upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1 via ftp-only?
i'd hate to have to beg that guy again to do it...
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macjaegerwell, i'll have to try...
*fingers crossed, hoping*
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lphuberdeau_mac, yes [23:26]
macjaegerpuh, thanks
I'll see in about 30 mb ...
lphuberdeau_there is an incremental package too [23:26]
macjaegerhmm, haven't found that on sourceforge [23:27]
lphuberdeau_just the files that were modified for the release... takes less time to upload via FTP [23:27]
macjaegernp, bandwidth / time isn't an issue here [23:27]
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macjaegerhopefully this fixes the problems with wysiwyg editor [23:28]
lphuberdeau_http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64258&package_id=266122&release_id=628381 [23:28]
macjaegerespecially adding images to a wikipage [23:28]
lphuberdeau_tikiwiki-inc-2.0-to-2.1.tar.gz [23:28]
macjaegerah, inc means incremental?
k, thanx
might have figured that myself...
lphuberdeau_the 2.0-to-2.1 part helps a lot [23:29]
macjaegerhehe, right
but i guess i went straight for the .zip
i'm not that linux savvy
lphuberdeau_tar.gz works fine on windows too [23:30]
macjaegeri had my troubles with tar.gz packages of typo3 a while ago
they had symlinks included, which broke when i unzipped on windows
macjaegertook the better part of a weekend to find the problem, especially as i've been novice to typo3 then [23:32]
SEWilco2Argh. I tried viewing an image URL in my browser and the text editor wanted to display the .php file. Oops. [23:32]
macjaegerhey fine, on my local install they "copy all over" worked ok
lphuberdeau_no database change from 2.0 to 2.1, so it's easy [23:34]
macjaegerthat's good. i have to do a number of "howto ..." videos about the newly installed tikiwiki site this weekend, students hope to use the site from monday on
*emphasizes "hope"*
lphuberdeau_please add them to http://tikiwiki.org/TikiwikiTV [23:36]
macjaegerif you don't mind them beeing in german, [23:36]
lphuberdeau_no problem
I guess you can create a german channel ;)
i'll have to sort which ones are general enough
actually most of it will be about integrating the wiki in our workflow
lphuberdeau_that's good too [23:38]
MatWhomacjaeger: If you need some help adding the videos to TikiWikiTV please let me know and I might be able to help. [23:38]
lphuberdeau_then we'll need to get amette to do the subtitles for us [23:38]
macjaegerstudents are to write documentation for ther projects at school in that wiki [23:38]
MatWhomacjaeger: we look forward to seeing the videos :) [23:39]
macjaegermat, thx, i'll come back to you
actually i might bother you for a couple of days now, as i'm trying to find my way 'round tikiwiki myself
so... last mb uploading
MatWhomacjaeger: I realy want to help you get videos up there, both "how to" and "what we are doing with it" type video would be most welcome [23:40]
macjaegernow let's see what i've broken :-)
puh, seems to be ok
although some settings are lost
but i might have changed them myself accidently
ah, translation is far better this time
is this normal:
clicking "browse image" in wysiwyg editor's "insert image" dialog opens the _file_ gallery?
lphuberdeau_no idea [23:48]
macjaegerwhy wouldn't it open the picture galleries? [23:48]
lphuberdeau_probably part of a story, those who added wysiwyg are planning to merge file galleries and image galleries in the future [23:49]
macjaegerwould be good to see that sometimes, but right now i'm having trouble adding images via point-n-click [23:49]
MatWhoI just put the pictures in a file gallery and it worked fine [23:50]
macjaegerbut that's what our students want to do...
well, ok, i'll go and disable image gals completely then
too confusing to have both
(for our students, ages 10 to 14)
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SEWilco2I added galleryId parameter to show_image.php -- because it's not a bug fix I should commit to 3.0? [23:57]
macjaegersorry, i can't follow [23:58]
SEWilco2show_image.php?galleryId=1 will show a representative image from the specified image gallery (random if random has been selected in gallery configuration).
macjaeger: Oh... I was not responding to your comments, I was asking the other developers about my change.
macjaegerah, ok [23:59]

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