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SEWilco2Interesting. If I append stuff after an article then I get the article but not the site styling. http://tikiwiki.org/article175/dfdf [00:20]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Scores - Exclusion of Users/Groups - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34042 [01:26]
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anybody in here?
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Combination of Side & Top Menus - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34043 [01:56]
franckmarc? [01:56]
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chino401Moving tiki3.1 from serverA to serverB. webserver configs are identical, exported database using mysqldump and reimported via mysql. Any logins on serverB produce the error "Built query was probably:update `users_users` set `lastLogin`='1239305017', `currentLogin`='1248314146', `unsuccessful_logins`='0' where `login`='admin' [02:06]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: a few questions - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34045 [04:08]
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SEWilco2Oh, cute. It's some sort of slow attack which uses loong URLs which resemble reals ones. OK, poof it goes.
You might want to check your server logs for URLs with more than 12 or so slashes in them. I don't know what they're trying.
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SEWilco2The sequence of odd urls seems to start with article.*/lib [05:02]
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Kissakihi [07:24]
about that wiki page about dropping multi-db support. Is that still the case? Or did you manage to/decide not to drop them? [07:31]
chibaguyKissaki, I've seen some code commits lately for postgresql, so I guess there's still hope there. ;-) [07:36]
Kissakiis that deadline up-to-date?
9 days?
implemented - or drop
chibaguyI'm not sure how definite that deadline is, if there's progress happening. [07:37]
Kissakiis 3.1 the recent stable version, right? Does that one work with the other dbs than mysql? [07:38]
chibaguyyes and no [07:38]
Kissakiok, thank you :) [07:40]
chibaguysure. [07:40]
KissakiI was shocked (well, a little) by the tikiwiki wiki syntax. Ever thought about adobting the creole syntax?
chibaguyThere have been discussions about that. You can check out http://www.wikicreole.org/wiki/TikiWikiCMSGroupware [07:47]
Kissakihuh, you're hosting/doing that discussion on wikicreole? :P
would've expected that on your wiki
chibaguyThere've been discussions on tikiwiki.org, too. I think the wikicreole.org page was to reply in that context, for those people.
Most people coming to Tikiwiki from other wikis seem to be familiar with mediawiki syntax, not creole. And even more people don't want _any_ wiki syntax; they want wysiwyg editing.
Kissakireally? :/
well, tikiwiki syntax is not like mediawiki either. At least what I saw, at first glace
chibaguyThat's right, it isn't.
My point is, how helpful is it to switch to wiki creole when most people coming to tiki from other wikis know mediawiki syntax, not wiki creole?
Anyway, for wikis to be comfortable for new users, the demand seems to be for wysiwyg editing.
what variant of wiki syntax is there is not too relevant.
because most new wiki users don't want to learn any wiki syntax.
they want Word, basically.
(from what I hear)
KissakiI think it is relevant. Wikis should have similiar syntax, so that when you know the syntax, you can use any wiki you like.
It may not be different to those not wanting to use it anyway, and not using it.
But even those not wanting it but then learning it will have advantages when using other wikis
chibaguysure, it'd be helpful for the people who will use it.
but if mediawiki doesn't support wiki creole, and mediawiki is the dominant wiki, it reduces the incentive to switch tikiwiki to wiki creole.
so that's one problem.
I think Marc described the situation pretty well on the wikicreole.org page.
Kissakiwell, mediawiki syntax for mediawiki wikis + creole for all the others is still better than everyone having it's own. If creole is better than mediawiki syntax that's fine.
yeah, just read through it
well, the main problem for tikiwiki would be the migration I guess, and ppl having to switch syntax
the other points don't persuade me
chibaguyideally, it'd be better to have mediawiki plus wikicreole for all other wikis, than how things are now, for sure.
but as a practical matter, there isn't really a lot of visible demand for switching syntax. The demand we see is to enable people to _avoid_ wiki syntax.
_which_ wiki syntax tw uses doesn't seem to be a big issue (except "too bad it isn't the same as mediawiki's")
(maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture, but that's my perception.)
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chibaguyI think this has changed from a few years ago. Then, people expected to have to know syntax to use a wiki. (I guess they were all technical people to begin with.) Now, as wikis spread to the masses, they want the input the same as in their word processors; i.e., MSWord. Or so it seems.
The techies still want a common wiki syntax but these people are shrinking as a %age of all wiki users.
Kissaki:) [08:52]
chibaguyTo me, inputting syntax is the heart of using a wiki, but I'm in that shrinking minority too. :-) [08:53]
Kissakiyeah, me too [08:54]
chibaguychibaguy pours Kissaki a beer :-) [08:54]
idle-even technies who document in wikis don't want to use wiki syntax. they use their techniques and don't want to learn anything at side.
I know that because I am trying to use a tikiwiki for an internal it documentation for an it department...with different type of techs like san/lan/ads/servers/database administrators
so the special problem for documentation is also that people don't want to spent time on it
chibaguyI guess this follows the trend of technology introduction and growth...
....in the beginning, people are into the process....
...later it becomes just a tool, so people want it to be as easy as possible.
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Kissakihuh, you have a git repo on sf?
is git the one to develop on now?
chibaguygit is just being tried out in a very limited way. [10:08]
Kissakiah [10:08]
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does the 3.1 install check for loaded sqlite modules before adding them to dropdown?
chibaguyi don't know [10:20]
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kiilohello - im stuck in a multilingual translation problem for some time now - i reread the doc but no solution - the initial hompage is always switching back to english when i try to select trad chinese on http://playaround.cc ??
i need some additional eyes maybe :-)
ricks99do u have the 'show language based on user browser' option enabled? i think that will override the specific language selection [11:34]
kiiloyes i have another computer with manadarin as prefered language
so one is english one mandarin
other pages can switch fine the hompage not
check again i18n
detect browser lang is deselected now
but show page in user prefered is selected this is refering to the user preferences right?
ricks99is there something 'wrong' with that specifc page? can u access it directly: http://playaround.cc/tiki-index.php?page=2009-%E7%A7%91%E6%8A%80%E6%B8%B8%E6%B0%91 [11:38]
kiiloif the have site default it will be english
you have engl right?
it should show mandarin
doesnt happen with mentor page for ec=xample
ricks99i am using english (US). i see the website ui in english and the home page english version [11:40]
here to firefox on ubuntu en prefered
on another i switched mandarin prefered
ricks99does anonymous group have permission to change language? [11:41]
kiiloahhh check that ... [11:42]
ricks99i can switch langs on http://playaround.cc/tiki-index.php?page=HomPage%2Ctw successfully
on the wiki link format, do you have "complete" (i notice that some of your wiki liks on http://playaround.cc/tiki-index.php?page=HomPage%2Ctw are not activated
prehaps an issue with chinese characters in page names?
kiilohomepage,tw was just a tes
ricks99yes, and that test seems to work correctly [11:44]
kiilommmh - the issue is only with the dafault home [11:44]
ricks99is that the only page that has English & Chinese characters in the page name?
I notice that http://playaround.cc/tiki-index.php?page=%E5%89%B5%E6%84%8F%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7%E5%8C%85 works fine
hompage,en is switching fine
ricks99great. what was the issue? [11:47]
kiilomaybe the manadarin character and the title 2009-xyz [11:48]
ricks99:-) [11:49]
kiilodont know - the Hompage was renamed once
maybe this caused it
ricks99"HomPage" [11:49]
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Kissakiits not going to stop svn checkout... taking ages ^^ [12:13]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03axold * r20315 10/branches/experimental/ws/ (166 files in 59 dirs): [MRG] Manual merge of the trunk branch [12:50]
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xavitoctoc [14:00]
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pascalstjeanI was wondering if anyone has tried setting the Default Category for a Group using Profiles? I can't seem to get it working but not sure if it is supported or not [14:05]
chibaguypascalstjean, sorry, I haven't tried that, but just wanted to say hi. [14:19]
pascalstjeanthanks for the heads up Gary, hope all is well [14:20]
chibaguyyeah, life is pretty good, tho a little uncertain these days. :-) [14:22]
xavihi pascalstjean, no idea myself either
hi chibaguy
Caarriei think that is what they are working on in part for workspaces [14:26]
chibaguyhi xavi [14:27]
xavichibaguy: I've just noticed another tiny bug with the displayof calendar related things... [14:27]
chibaguyoh, ok. [14:27]
xaviSee this: http://tikiwiki.org/Tikifest+Workspaces+and+Social+Networking#Calendar [14:27]
pascalstjeanThanks Caarrie, yes I saw some of the stuff they are working on with workspaces. Will definitely be using that once v4.0 is out. [14:27]
xavinotice the "if IE >" bit below the output from upcoming_events module [14:28]
Caarrieyw [14:28]
xavichibaguy: moreover, there is not mouseover popup on events in the calendar_new module (when inside an iframe, like in that case)
when used outside the iframe, the popup mousover box displays as expected
xavi wishes we could use tiki calendar for easying the task of planning and schedulling some events for the TikiFestBarcelona....
marclaporte: ?
chibaguyxavi, where is the upcoming_events module? [14:31]
xavichibaguy: the "if IE >" issue is also shown when visiting the normal wiki page containing that module: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/TikiFestBarcelona (note that this in the dev.tw.o site)
sorry, I meant http://dev.tikiwiki.org/TikiFestBarcelonaCalendar
xavi wishes there was some PluginCalendar for internal reuse of tiki calendars...
xavi recalls seing some proto PluginCalendar in 1.10cvs or so... but no idea what hapened to that early proto plugin
marclaportepolom [14:33]
chibaguyoh yeah, I see the "if IE>" now. [14:34]
xavihi marclaporte : do you have any idea what happened to that old proto PluginCalendar in the early days of 110? [14:34]
marclaportenope [14:34]
xavioups, chibaguy, I forgot to say. I was using firefox (maybe you cannot see it with IE)
marclaporte: ok. Anyway, we need some PluginCalendar to reuse/dogfood Tiki calendars ... see this ugly workaround: http://tikiwiki.org/Tikifest+Workspaces+and+Social+Networking#Calendar
chibaguyI'm using Opera, and do see it. Probably also visible in IE. It's supposed to be an HTML comment.
...that got broken somehow.
xaviit took me 20 min to find out how to add the right params in the module calendar_new and upcoming_events (they don't use the same syntax for filtering for a single calendar!)
marclaporte: what do you think if we (I) try to embed the tiki-calendar.php url for the new calendar I created some hours ago for the TikiFestBarcelona (without side columns) into the iframe for the time being? (in case the popup works this way, Which I don't know, in fact)
I'd like to avoid using google calendars... (even if I've just seen a recently updated googlecalendar mod in mods.tw.o )
chibaguyHmm, there are 3 html comments in module.tpl to give IE a br tag. I wonder why only in this instance does one of the comments break. They are used in every module. [14:39]
xavigood question chibaguy. no idea myself [14:39]
chibaguyIs this correct module parameter syntax: calIds[]=3 ?
from source of dev.tw.o/TikiFestBarcelonaCalendar page.
Could that be breaking the module display?
xavichibaguy: :-) That what I meant. That's the syntax for calendar_new. However, for upcoming events, it's calendarId=3 (!).
mmm, dunno... I'll try without it
chibaguy: it seems ,calIds[]=3 is not responsible for that. See nowadays (I removed that param)
and same effect
(well, plugin module needs to be validated again but except for that, same effect)
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chibaguyok (that would have been an easy solution for me ;-) ) [14:45]
the mouseover is lost here: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index_p.php?page=TikiFestBarcelonaCalendar
when using tiki-index_p.php instead of tiki-index.php !
that looks to me like a bug...
btw, I'll add again the calIds[]=3 param, so that it only shows the expected results
and not all
sylvieg: could we use the same param syntax in both modules upcoming_events and calendar_new for filtering by calendar Id? (see above if needed)
chibaguylooking at the page source, I can see that html in the module.tpl is getting wiki parsed ;-) [14:49]
xavichibaguy: ?
sylvieg: I mean, calendar_new only accepts calIds[]=3 (as an example), and upcoming_events only accepts calendarId=3
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chibaguy<!--[if IE]> .... is changed to <!<del><a class="wiki" href="if IE" rel="">if IE</a>> [14:52]
sylviegxavi: what do you watn both an array - or it is the same that is a problem [14:52]
chibaguythe -- of the html comment tag is parsed as strikethrough (del), and the square brackets as a link [14:52]
sylviegchibaguy: In which version - I thaught I fixed that recently [14:52]
chibaguyit's at dev.tw.o [14:53]
sylviegneed to be backport [14:53]
xavisylvieg: why not using everywhere calendarId=X ? [14:53]
chealerKissaki: it does check [14:53]
xavisylvieg, or in any case (if the other syntax is needed for any reason), then using (or allowing) the same syntax in all the modules
hi chealer! :-)
chealerhi xavi
chealer wakes up
xavichealer: what's the colour of your skying boot? ;-)
xavi is willing to look for a set of skis with the same colour as your skying boot :-)
chibaguychibaguy thinks xavi may take marclaporte's bug-finder crown.... [14:55]
xavi:-) [14:56]
chealerxavi: it's black, grey and white. it would need hacking to be used with skis though, unless the skis have a snowboard-like binding :) [14:56]
xavinope, I'm not at the position to get that corwn from Marc, honestly :-) [14:56]
chealeror rather, with one ski, yeah
oh, is there a bug-finder crown now?
xavichealer: you would be the attraction in Barcelona :-) [14:57]
chibaguychealer, no, not really [14:57]
xavis/the/"THE" [14:57]
chealerchibaguy: ah, too bad. one ski and one crown would have given such a style [14:58]
xavi:-D [14:58]
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20316 10/trunk/modules/mod-calendar_new.php: [MOD]calendar_new: accept also calendarId param [14:58]
chibaguywell, there are other crowns to try.... [14:58]
chealerI'd like to be contacted before anyone other than me is awarded a bug-finder crown [14:58]
xavithanks sylvieg [14:59]
chibaguyI'm all for multiple crowns [14:59]
xavichealer, I would vote for you to get a bug fixer corwn... whenever you get better statistics than sylvieg (sorry, I know it's a too difficult goal for anybody, I know :-) ) [15:00]
chealersylvieg: I saw what you meant by svn merge being a piece of ..... I bumped into so many bugs I finally asked lphuberdeau to (re)do the merge.
xavi: yeah, don't count on it. the crown should stay with the queen
chibaguychibaguy imagines a golden propeller beanie as the bug-fixer crown.... [15:01]
xavichealer: I fully agree. "the" queen is "the" queen (even if she doesn't like that much being honoured as such)
xavi looks for "beanie" at a dict
sylviegI feel like create a site girl.tikiwiki.org - it could be fun
xavisylvieg: :-) [15:03]
sylviegI can enroll Marta and Tricia [15:04]
xaviwe could request susanne to add some flex to it (like the IKEA woman at their website)
btw, I've just seen the bigbluebutton opensource webconferencing item at the tiki roadmap, and their website. It looks brilliant piece of software, and using FLEX also
</off topic>
chibaguyxavi, google propeller beanie - iconic geek hat, I think. [15:07]
xaviyeah, I found the merriam-webster definition, but I didn't get the clear meaning there.... [15:08]
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chibaguyimage search is best for this one [15:08]
xavixavi needs some better English trainning program, a-la-matrix like
Ahy, got it!, chibaguy, thanks, now I know :-)
like this: http://www.mcphee.com/pixlarge/10806.jpg ?
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chealerI thought the girls, including colorado, already had a plan for GirlsCore. IMO that's enough on their plate already. [15:10]
chibaguyyep, now just add a tiki logo :-) [15:11]
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chealer: I didn't know that colorado was a girl
chibaguycolorado (the girl) hasn't been around for a long time.
Caarrie should definitely join, tho. :-)
Caarrienot so sure about that [15:13]
sylviegcome on Caarrie
I do not know exactly what the site can be about ... We can use one pink theme of Gary
chibaguy:-) [15:15]
sylvieg- join the team - easy to work on opensource and be at home ... get your kids busy with a tikiwiki site... [15:15]
CaarrieCaarrie has no kids [15:16]
xavi:-) [15:16]
sylviegI am not at all feminist - but I am upset when people ask me .. a girl in opensource? (it happens again at the last tikifest) [15:17]
Caarrie:( [15:17]
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xaviwell, google and o'really just gave a prize for a girl (from Moodle ) as the best opesource for education hactivist (or something similar). Just read it some hours ago through rss
Penny Leach, I think, author of Mahara portfolio for social networking within educational scenarios (and linked to Moodle community)
sylvieg and marclaporte (oups, he's gone): I found a copy of that old PluginCalendar (in 1.10cvs): http://pastey.net/118018
sylvieg: do you think that it can be easly updated to work in tiki3 sites?
maybe myself can do that, if you feel that I have a high chance to succeed...
xavi still has the flavour of the failure with PluginR from yesterday.... :-/
that copy of PluginCalendar is from Oct. 12 2007
chealersylvieg: right. the man behind this should be ashamed: http://tille.garrels.be/cyberfeministe/gay.php [15:24]
xavixavi is attempting to hack that old PluginCalendar to work with Tiki 3 [15:28]
sylviegxavi: why are you nopt happy with calendar_new .. it is working pretty weel for me [15:36]
xavisylvieg: (3) issues so far...
(1) too small. PluginCalendar might be bigger (as tiki-calendar.php) I guess
sylvieghttp://fhsj.cgcom.com/tiki-calendar.php?calIds=2&viewmode=month&viewlist=list is pretty nice [15:37]
xavi(2) you can't move forward of backward in the months through the calendar_new module, while at tiki-calendar.php you can (and at worksapces_calendar module from aulawiki you can since 3 years ago)
(3) it's not easy at all for users to set the calendar ID param (they don't know about it, when they want to add it through the plugin module + calendar_new
btw, wtf! how did you get that???: http://fhsj.cgcom.com/tiki-calendar.php?calIds=2&viewmode=month&viewlist=list
I wish I knew how to display that as a plugin.... (=inside a wiki page, like http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestBarcelona#Calendar )
i.e: calendar is not enabled at tw.o, but it is (and kind of active) at dev.tw.o... that's why I thought in resuing that feature from dev.tw.o through iframe in a wiki page
PluginCalendar would help, I guess, and even more if it's easy for the end user to get the same display as your are showing here: http://fhsj.cgcom.com/tiki-calendar.php?calIds=2&viewmode=month&viewlist=list
^ sylvieg
sylvieghttp://pastey.net/118020 these lines are added at the bottom opf tiki-calendar.tpl
perhaps this needs to be committed...
xavisylvieg: s/perphaps/for sure (I would say)
calendars are not fully user friendly yet, imho, and anything which improves that, if a good step forward
like the two arrows for moving dates (months) forward and backwards at calendar_new
sylvieg: is your example based on tiki 3?
if you commit, I'll add the screenshot which I have ready in local from your site to show that this is possible (and I hope easy) with Tiki ;-)
add it to doc.tw.o/Calendar or similar
I will, I mean
sylvieg, quick coding question: the old PluginCalendar had at the end this line:
return $smarty->fetch('tiki-show_calendar.tpl');
looking at a tiki3 ready plugin, liker PluginArticle, the line at the end is like:
return $article_data[$Field].$add;
so... should I change whatever is returned by PluginCalendar to make it work in Tiki 3?
I can't find any return $smarty->fetch('tiki-list_article_or_whatever_tpl.tpl');
wouho: "month_delta=+1": I didn't know about that! [15:58]
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xavisylvieg: can you review this code (in short): I tried in local, and it allows inserting the plugin, but it doesn't display the calendar 1 that I created and added event to it...
this is the code for PluginCalendar updated (in theory) to Tiki 3: http://pastey.net/118021
but it doesn't show the calendar... :-/
the code generated and inserted in teh wiki page is this one:
mmm, maybe the problem is that tiki-calendar.php in Tiki 3 is not ready to use calendarId...
I'll try again with calIds[]= as param of that PluginCalendar
sylviegtiki-calendar_setup does not use calendarId [16:12]
Fatal error: Cannot use [] for reading in /var/www/tiki3svn/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_calendar.php on line 41
what should I use as param, then¿?
sylviegyou need at list line 41,42,43 before tiki-calendar_setup [16:14]
xaviline numbers from here, you mean?: http://pastey.net/118021
and what param name if not $calendarId ?
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sylviegsnif snif ... I lost the admin page on my local ... can not try the wiki without validating it [16:21]
sylvieg, I moved those lines 41, 42, 43 to before tiki-calendar_setup.php and no change. See the current code: http://pastey.net/118022
I also changed param calendarId by calIds (with no square brackets)
and no success
nothing is shown in the wiki page
sylviegme too .. so far no idea .. alot of things changed in the cals
tiki-show_calendar.php does not exist
and tiki-show_calendar.tpl neither
Kissakichealer: what extension does tikiwiki use then? sqlite3? sqlite? pod_sqlite? [16:27]
xavisylvieg: tiki-show_calendar.php does exist indeed in tiki 3 [16:28]
sylviegsylvieg wondering if the short way is to improve calendar_new [16:28]
xaviand tiki-show_calendar.tpl also [16:29]
sylviegbbl lunch time [16:29]
xaviok, see you [16:29]
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chealerKissaki: it actually checks for the presence of a function (sqlite_open) [16:31]
Kissakichealer: hm, strange... my local windows system won't display sqlite as an option. Will check it again later/tomorrow
on my remote linux system it worked though/did list it
marclaportemarclaporte thinks first improvement to calendar_new is to change the name [16:33]
Kissaki(though it failed with a white page somehow) [16:33]
xavieinc? you are right, syvlieg, tiki-show_calendar.php and tiki-show_calendar.tpl don't exist in tiki3 svn (I was looking a untarred copy of tiki 3 from previous times....)
xavi agrees with marclaporte, but it's not enough :-)
marclaportehahahahhahaha [16:34]
xavixavi looking for the mistery of those two files which seem to have vanished in tiki3svn...
mmmm, weird: tiki 3.0 has tiki-show_calendar, but not tiki 3.1
from looking inside the released 3.0 and 3.1 packages...
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xavisylvieg: http://de.tikiwiki.org/xref-BRANCH-3-0/nav.html?tiki-show_calendar.php.html
however, it's not in the released 3.1, not in branch3 svn right now...
I'll try again in my local iwth those files from tiki 3.0
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r20317 10/branches/experimental/modules-doc/lib/pear/: [FIX] pear/Text locked error prevents any update [16:47]
xaviok, moving forward: Fatal error: Call to a member function check_script() on a non-object in /var/www/tiki3svn/tiki-show_calendar.php on line 4
any tip?
chealerxavi: I don't know what happened to the file, but according to svn, 3.0 doesn't have it neither: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/tags/3.0/ [16:52]
xavichealer, yes, I know, that's what I said. Thanks for confirming
it's always good to have some confirmation whith such (apparently) weird changes...
SEWilco2Any ideas why tiki-download_file is emitting no-cache headers? I commented out the three lines in the code, but it's still telling the cache to not cache. [16:56]
xaviSEWilco2: no idea [16:57]
SEWilco2Rather irritating to have a PNG that refuses to cache. [16:57]
xavichealer: I've seen that check_script is defined in lib/tikiaccesslib.php . Does it mean that I have to inlcude that lib in the plugin, maybe?
xavi is a very very newbie coder....
chealerxavi: I have no idea about either check_script or tikiaccesslib [16:59]
xaviok thanks [16:59]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 wonders how one codes a newbie. [16:59]
xavianyway, I mean
xavi is also a bad English writer :-)
SEWilco2SEWilco2 could make a joke about tattoos and punchcards. If anyone knew what punchcards were. [17:00]
ricks99ricks99 thinks that xavi's english is better than my. non-english ;-) [17:01]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 speaks American and some Romance languages. [17:01]
xavihi ricks99 :-) & thanks [17:01]
de nada
xavi:-D [17:01]
chealerSEWilco2: what exact headers do you get? [17:03]
SEWilco2chealer: Headers at http://pastey.net/118027 [17:05]
chealerKissaki: your review made the project look great [17:05]
Kissaki? [17:06]
chealerKissaki: we have 100% satisfaction according to http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/
viewVC does not really deal with file properties, does it?
xavisylvieg: anotehr WYSIWYCA with calendar_new: filter by calIds=3 doesn't work if you are a user with admin rights. To reproduce: see this http://dev.tikiwiki.org/TikiFestBarcelonaCalendar as user xavi first, and then, as user xavidp
and btw, thanks for the tip about month_delta=+1, which is very useful! :-)
Kissakichealer: hehe :) [17:16]
chealerSEWilco2: it's not doing that for me. which version do you use? [17:18]
SEWilco2chealer: 2.2. I commented out the three caching lines near the end of tiki-download_file.php but that made it worse. [17:19]
xavichealer: i commented out that line about "check_script" (at least for the time being). And now I get: "Fatal error: Cannot pass parameter 2 by reference in /var/www/tiki3svn/tiki-show_calendar.php on line 243"
and line 243 says:
$smarty->assign_by_ref('calendar_type', 'calendar');
Any hint on how to solve this next issue?
SEWilco2chealer: In /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini I tried changing session.cache_limiter=nocache to nothing, but that didn't help. [17:20]
chealerxavi: I didn't even look at that file, but you may want to try assign instead of assign_by_ref [17:23]
SEWilco2I'm seeing the cache headers from: wget --server-response http://www.theredbulls.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=123&preview=y&max=150 [17:24]
xavichealer, thanks, I'll try [17:24]
chealerSEWilco2: sorry, I don't have a tiki 2 under the hands. that could make it difficult to help [17:24]
chibaguyg'night all :-) [17:25]
xavig'night chibaguy
chealer, that (apparently) worked! :-) now I see (at least) something similar to a calendar! :-)
however, the event is not shown (nor the proper section of the calendar, plus the left column is moved down...)
this reminds me of a non-updated tpl...
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xavioh well, I could show the calendar, at least, when I changed the tpl "returned" (from tiki-show_calendar.tpl) to return $smarty->fetch('tiki-calendar.tpl');
however, I wanted to try if it was possible to view a full semester, and since then I got fatal error: memory exhausted, etc.
....... (idle for 30mn)
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sylviegback [18:09]
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xavisylvieg, can you read the irc log? [18:25]
sylviegwhy not doing a iframe with tiki-calendar.php? [18:27]
SEWilco2chealer: I don't know where the default cache-control is coming from, but I worked around it by adding Cache-Control: post-check=3600 to override the icky default. [18:27]
xavisylvieg: you need to switch, then, side columns off for the whole site to avoid them being displayed again [18:28]
xaviplus it's not easy for a simple user to set the calendar id or the other params...
fullscreen! good one! I didn't think in that! :-)
instead, the puglin edit helper is perfect for newbies...
I didn't know about this hack of delta +1
for instance, and I've been using calendar for a while already
sylvieglph and chealer are working on the module edit helper [18:30]
xavisylvieg: email sent to devel list about PluginCalendar (with link to the files I rescued and hacked)
with cc to lph, btw
just in case
ok, enough for today for me
thanks for your feedback, sylvieg & chealer
see you
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r20318 10/branches/experimental/modules-doc/ (87 files in 27 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 20250 to 20316 [18:40]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Edit Parser for Quicktags - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34058 [19:23]
mycomputer_I actived the copyright module in tikiwiki 3.1 : When I try ty to save a wiki article for example, tikiwiki doesn't save the information in the author field : Tikiwiki displays "name_user" created this article but does not display the real name of the author. When I edit again the wiki article, I notice that tikwiki didn't saved at all the author's name in the field author? Is this a software bug? [19:25]
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SEWilco2mycomputer_: I think there is a real name option in the Admin tool for logins. Look for the open door icon in Admin>Home. [19:31]
mycomputer_OK. I look at it [19:31]
SEWilco2mycomputer_: Although I don't know if you are referring to the user name or the author name which one can type in. [19:31]
mycomputer_I refer to the real author name
I would like that tikiwiki displays the real author name and not the user name : I thought it was possible with the copyright module
I remember that there was such an option on tikiwiki 2 but I can't find it now :(
aha : I think I find it
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20319 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]db: better abstraction [19:40]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20320 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: save some queries [20:08]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r20321 10/trunk/lib/importer/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Error handling when there are problems parsing a wiki page on Tiki Importer [20:38]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20322 10/branches/experimental/coe/ (72 files in 9 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD] Quicktags/Toolbars revamp, part 1
tikiwiki: Initial manual merge from ui-revamp experimental branch
tikiwiki: Implemented on all text areas (replaces tiki-edit_help_tool.tpl)
tikiwiki: Admin still requires mootools (not for long!)
tikiwiki: A few cosmetic improvements and new icons (from famfam silk collection)
tikiwiki: Still very experimental - many tags not working yet but all partially functional
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20323 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/quicktags/quicktagslib.php: [FIX] Quicktags/Toolbars revamp: Fix single quote problem in JS url (e.g. ''Italics'') [21:53]
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sylviegwas somebody successful to install xdebug profiling/kcachegrinf on fedora - getting stuck with the qt lib [22:46]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Database Broke - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34063 [23:07]
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