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***marclaporte changes topic to: Welcome to #tikiwiki! Just ask, don't ask to ask ;) See http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestOrlando ! Don't paste code/errors here please. Channel is logged @ http://irc.tikiwiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude msg from log), !help or >help to get info how to query our bots ;) Enjoy!
ChanServ changes topic to: Welcome to #tikiwiki! Just ask, don't ask to ask ;) See http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestBarcelona ! Don't paste code/errors here please. Channel is logged @ http://irc.tikiwiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude msg from log), !help or >help to get info how to query our bots ;) Enjoy!
ChanServ sets mode: +t-o marclaporte
Caarrie:( [00:00]
luciashargh [00:00]
Caarrieseems some setting with the topic [00:00]
luciashok, either marc needs to be identified with nickserv or i will have to do it it seems [00:00]
***ChanServ sets mode: +o luciash [00:01]
mlaportedid I just get kicked? [00:01]
Caarrieno just deoped [00:01]
mlaporteso much violence in the World
For a brief moment in time, I was OP!
luciashheheh [00:02]
***MartinCleaver has quit IRC ()
luciash changes topic to: Welcome to #tikiwiki! Just ask, don't ask to ask ;) See http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestBarcelona ! Don't paste code/errors here please. Channel is logged @ http://irc.tikiwiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude msg from log), !help or >help to get info how to query our bots ;) Enjoy!
luciash changes topic to: Welcome to #tikiwiki! Just ask, don't ask to ask ;) See http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestOrlando ! Don't paste code/errors here please. Channel is logged @ http://irc.tikiwiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude msg from log), !help or >help to get info how to query our bots ;) Enjoy!
Caarrie!deop luciash
***luciash changes topic to: Welcome to #tikiwiki! Just ask, don't ask to ask ;) See http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestOrlando ! Don't paste multiline code/errors here please. Channel is logged @ http://irc.tikiwiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude msg from log), !help or >help to get info how to query our bots ;) Enjoy!
ChanServ sets mode: -o luciash
MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki
franck has quit IRC ()
marclaportejonnyb: it's official
jonnyb: : you are a genius!!!!
marclaportethe table thing is the "holy grail" [00:14]
jonnybyou sweety ;) [00:14]
marclaportethis solves a long standing nightmare! [00:14]
jonnybi'm just adding + and - buttons
have you tried editing the text to add more columns or rows?
marclaportenot yet [00:15]
jonnybenjoy (hopefully) [00:15]
it's scary how well it works
jonnybtrying the Wiki+Landscape one to see if it breaks (that's scary!) [00:18]
marclaporteI see you fixed it so when we resize, it keeps its form [00:18]
jonnybseems to cope - positioning is a bit off... [00:19]
marclaporteit doesn't like | in hyperlinks [00:20]
jonnybhmmm, they're the wiki delimiter
jonnyb head crash
luciash*g* [00:26]
marclaporte waits in anticipation...
luciashjonnyb: now struggling with something like /[^([[^]*])*|]*|/ ? ;) [00:33]
jonnybno - sorry, head really has gone - watching telly now [00:34]
luciashaaah :) [00:37]
marclaporte(( | )) and [ | ] are both in conflict [00:37]
luciashenjoy ! [00:37]
marclaportemarclaporte wonders if Jonny feels better that table magic works in IE6 [00:37]
luciasharen't they in onflict in wiki syntax anyway ?
in the tables
jonnybyou'd have to find the delim from the right hand side, the trouble is they both have multiple possibilities [00:39]
luciashjonnyb: have you fixed the code plugin string inclusion or should i do it ? [00:40]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Validate Links not listed - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34920 [00:40]
***oliland has joined #tikiwiki [00:40]
olilandsup gais :) [00:41]
jonnybluciash: it's probably fairly trivial, the unmatches string is there somewhere [00:41]
luciashsup gais ? [00:41]
olilandi'm a second year student at edinburgh uni
part of our CS course is to man the fuck up and contribute to a random open source project on source forge
luciashjonnyb: can i copy paste from some other plugin ? [00:42]
jonnybit's not in the plugin
i'll do it tomorrow ;)
luciashi know, but some other do work already, no ?
ok, as you wish
olilandso... here i am! php developer with around 8 years experience. great at writing and documentation too. so hi :) [00:43]
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luciashluciash goes to something else [00:43]
amettehi oliland [00:44]
olilandhi amette :)
<3 tikiwiki
luciasholiland: hi, but i don't like that fucked-up introduction much :-p [00:44]
jonnybhi oliland - welcome (i gottago) [00:44]
olilandluciash: what would you have said? [00:44]
ametteluciash is picky again :P [00:44]
luciash:D [00:45]
olilandlawls [00:45]
amettee.g. "we have to do helluva lot of documenting" ;) [00:45]
olilandthats never a bad thing! [00:45]
what's your goal?
luciasholiland: yea, you can install, register on tw.o and start here: http://doc.tikiwiki.org [00:46]
ametteACK [00:46]
***jonnyb has quit IRC ("I am going outside... I may be some time...") [00:47]
luciashey-see-key ? [00:47]
olilandmadea pretty funny mistake earlier and tried to download your whole svn tree
that was a laugh
ametteSYN - ACK - TCP, layer 4 [00:48]
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ametteoliland: way to go! ;) [00:48]
your TikiDevNewbie guide is good :)
but only 28 of you? really? i'm used to #django which has... yeah
guess php is out of fashion these days
amette300+ of us [00:50]
olilandin the channel? [00:51]
ametteas devels [00:51]
olilandoh, yeah, just saw your mailing list
thats pretty massive
marclaporteoliland: glad you (randomly?) picked Tiki [00:52]
amettemailing list is a very good place to go for tuning into the community [00:52]
marclaporteoliland: : what is your SourceForge username? [00:52]
ametteamette smells a ceremony coming....?!? [00:52]
marclaporteoliland: please convey to your teachers that we agree and students should have assignments to participate to open source projects [00:53]
olilandmarclaporte: yeah, i avoid sourceforge too... oliland on everything else though, bitbucket, github, you know; the "cool" guys [00:53]
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amette+1 [00:53]
marclaportemarclaporte passes the ceremony wand to amette [00:53]
olilandhaze me! haze me! [00:53]
ametteoliland: uhm... we don't "avoid" sourceforge really.... ;) [00:53]
olilandwhat do i have to drink? [00:53]
ametteamette picks up the wnad
oliland: DO you _HAVE_ a sf.net username? :P
for real: wanna get one?
olilandi do now :) [00:55]
amettewe have SVN at sf.net
oliland: that is very considerate of you ;)
what is your sf.net username?
i found your svn... tried downloading it... fail
amettewell, that will be your first task after passing the three big hurdles...
... the second one you actually passed already...
... you know your sf.net username...
marclaportewith 436 people with SVN access (http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=64258), it's difficult to avoid SourceForge :-) [00:56]
olilandplease say they don't all have write [00:56]
amette.... let's get to the actual first and most important one...
we _all_ have write!!
marclaporteon all trees! [00:57]
olilandi love you guys [00:57]
***chealer has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [00:57]
marclaporteoliland: http://tikiwiki.org/model [00:57]
ametteoliland: if you like the stuff about SVN write - then dig this: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/3Rules
Take your time and tell us if you understand what is written there...
.... you will be tested..! ;)
a Do-ocracy
thats awesome :)
ametteoliland: spot on!
I don't have to ask you much more than "Do you agree with these rules and will follow them?"
***cheal is now known as chealer [01:01]
marclaporteoliland: did your teacher indicate how many hours to help a project?
We could start you off with easy stuff: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Dynamic+Preferences
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olilandmarclaporte: let's see. guideline here is 50 hours. hardly worth writing home about [01:08]
marclaportetell your whole class to come over! [01:09]
olilandhaha! i wonder... we have a *lot* of php developers [01:10]
marclaporteAnd we have a *lot* of code :-) [01:10]
olilandin fact its pretty much a given that anyone around 20 years old born and raised in the uk with internet access has *lots* of php experience [01:10]
marclaporteand we are in release mode [01:11]
olilandrelease mode! when's it due? [01:11]
marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/Tiki4#Schedule [01:11]
olilandsorry. i need a browser in my irssi client
or two screens :D
ametteWell, ok, I take oliland's silence for assent... ;) - and I assume that marclaporte has already added your sf.net username to the committers, so there is only the third and last step left... [01:13]
marclaportemarclaporte was waiting [01:13]
amette( ... and I like you using irssi in screen... ;) .. )
... Welcome to the community!!! :)
amette hugs oliland
olilandamette: i read all your guides! [01:14]
marclaportemarclaporte hugs oliland [01:14]
olilandbaww guys!
i'd like to thank my mum, jesus, barack obama
marclaporteLOL [01:14]
ametteamette lights a firework
ghandi and mother theresa are in there, too ;)
mlaportehttps://sourceforge.net/users/oliland [01:16]
ametteyeah [01:17]
olilandthats me! [01:18]
ametteoliland: do you have an account on http://tikiwii.org/tiki-index.php ? so you can edit doc.tw.o ? [01:18]
olilandamette: working on it [01:18]
ametteawesome :) [01:18]
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olilandjust got a fresh virtual machine just for you gais <3 [01:18]
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we are clean, don't worry... ;)
I3igDmsu_i just recently upgraded to the latest tikiwiki version, the upgrade went smoothly but now i am unable to see a login area on my website and i can't adjust anything because i'm not logged in as an admin. any thoughts are appreciated. [01:19]
olilandI3igDmsu_: can you link to your website? [01:20]
I3igDmsu_www.valuebull.com [01:20]
luciashI3igDmsu_: tiki-login.php [01:21]
I3igDmsu_there formerly was a whole top bar which included a logo, login, etc
and now its missing
***I3igDmsu has left [01:22]
I3igDmsu_any reason why the top bar goes missing? [01:22]
luciashI3igDmsu_: check your Admin → Look & Feel page [01:23]
dthackerpolom [01:24]
luciashhi dave [01:24]
I3igDmsu_ahh i've had this happen before - i am on the look & feel and the options are off the screen and inaccessable
so i am unable to change anything
the rest of the admin options are viewable, except the Look & Feel
well is shouldn't say all, but some...
is there a way to reset the theme or set it to a default?
ametteI think you should find it in the tiki_preferences table in the database [01:33]
luciashI3igDmsu_: try tiki-switch_theme.php?theme=thenews.css [01:35]
I3igDmsu_luciash: that didn't work unfortunately, any other ideas? [01:37]
luciashusing Firefox ? [01:40]
I3igDmsu_yep [01:40]
luciashswitch the style off
and you will see the forms accessible one under the other, just without styling
olilandpython -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025
^ most useful thing EVER
I3igDmsu_i tried it in iexplore and am able to see Look & Feel now. which theme is a safe one in version 3.2? [01:43]
what theme you had before ?
I3igDmsu_MoreNeat [01:44]
luciashah, obsolete, choose another one from thenews, strasa, feb12, coelesce, darkroom, tikinewt
if you love moreneat you would need to convert it yourself to support new layout selectors
I3igDmsu_thats for the help
olilandwhat's theming in tikiwiki like? [01:58]
luciashlot of fun :-p [01:58]
olilandi can tell [01:58]
luciashediting the css files [01:58]
olilandhow hard is it
how drupal is it
luciashi don't know drupal much
you can start with plain file
just include @import url(lite/lite.css) at the begining to have base layout functional
then you can start styling
optionally you can import layout/layout.css and layout/design.css to have basics styled
olilandbut there's no templating engine [02:01]
luciashin trunk only now
yes, we use smarty templates
but you don't have to touch it
olilandsmarty's nice :) [02:02]
luciashunless you really need weirdo-complicated layout
default templates/* should be ok
you can override the default ones in templates/styles/yourthemename/*
but that's really not adviced in case you want upgrade in future you will need to modify your custom templates
I3igDmsu_luciash - do you have a site? [02:13]
luciashI3igDmsu_: personal tiki ? [02:14]
or any recommendations of other tiki sites
luciashI3igDmsu_: not personal, but I have made some Tiki sites: [02:16]
***Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:21]
I3igDmsu_wow nice work
any community sites with blogs, forums or anything like that?
i like to get a feel for what is possible with tikiwiki
marclaportehttp://tikiwiki.org/Nice+Sites [02:27]
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olilandthey're some nice sites! [02:30]
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luciashtnx [02:32]
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luciashyou can check out Featured sites at http://info.tikiwiki.org [02:33]
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.... (idle for 16mn)
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olilandso let me get this straight
you're using svn as a dvcs by having all 436 users commit all their branches to the same tree?
chealeroliland: SVN isn't distributed. it's similar to CVS, if you know. [03:16]
marclaportesearch_wiki_page_new and search_wiki_page -> are they merged in trunk? [03:17]
olilandchealer: ok, so you just have one source with all your experimental packages and let everyone write to it [03:17]
marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/Where+to+commit [03:18]
olilandcool beans
so i should really just check out trunk if i want to start fixing bugs
and you probably didn't learn about Tiki model in school :-)
olilandsure didn't!
how do i check out only the latest svn so i dont have to download exabytes of history?
***dcedilotte has quit IRC ("sleep now. Work early tomorrow followed by Kendo practice :)") [03:23]
marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/download#Using_Dev_branch_from_SVN_trunk_future_4.x_ [03:26]
chealeroliland: there is one repository with all branches (experimental or not) and all developers can write to it [03:27]
marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/Commit [03:27]
olilandthankyou :) should probably search that tiki more [03:29]
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chibaguypolom [03:37]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Email notification going to junk mail - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34921 [03:37]
........ (idle for 35mn)
olilandalright! i think i'm getting the hang of things now
will step up the pace in the morning. It's 5:15 in scotland :'(
***mose has joined #tikiwiki [04:18]
chibaguyhey mose :-) [04:19]
chealerhey mode :)
mosehi tikiwikers
got a mail from marc, I will handle that chanserv thing
marclaporte: ping
seems marc didn't register his nick
06:24 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Flags +fF were set on luciash in #tikiwiki.
means : have founder rights
06:27 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Flags +fF were set on sylvieg in #tikiwiki.
marclaportepolom mose [04:27]
moseregister your nick, buddy [04:27]
marclaporteok :-) [04:27]
moseyou know how ? [04:28]
marclaporteno [04:28]
mosetype /msg nickserv help
or for a faster command /msg nickserv register nick password
you should have a cloak too, that would appear more serious
marclaportebut when I log in, I do use a password. This is different? [04:29]
moseno that's not
but chanserv tells me marclaporte is not registered
06:23 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- marclaporte is not registered.
marclaportethis good? http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode [04:29]
mose06:30 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- marclaporte is not registered.
(got with /msg nickserv info marclaporte)
yeah http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode seems ok
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r22281 10/trunk/ (lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js templates/header_jquery.tpl): [ENH] Added Superfish's Supersubs script for CSS menus (after talking with luci; overrides CSS width and widens menu dropdowns to accommodate longest item, to prevent overflow.) [04:32]
mosegood now you are registered
06:34 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Flags +fF were set on marclaporte in #tikiwiki.
try /msg chanserv op marclaporte
chanserv version changed since I was using it, there are flags now, and not levels
marclaportemsg chanserv op tikiwiki
mosehihi [04:35]
marclaportehmmm [04:35]
moseexample : /msg ChanServ OP #foo bar
so /msg ChanServ OP #tikiwiki marclaporte
marclaporteNotice from ChanServ: You are not authorized to perform this operation. [04:36]
mosecontext is not implied you need to specify
hmm wait a minute
***marclaporte is now known as mlaporte [04:37]
mosetry again
oh but you have to be marclaporte
***mlaporte is now known as marclaporte
ChanServ sets mode: +o marclaporte
marclaporteyay! [04:39]
moseok, I change luci and sylvie too [04:39]
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moseyou also have power over the 'set' command
means you are almighty on this channel now, as luci and sylvie are
you can change flags for people
and trasmit power to others
***marclaporte changes topic to: Welcome to #tikiwiki! Just ask, don't ask to ask ;) See http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestOrlando and http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestToronto4 ! Don't paste multiline code/errors here please. Channel is logged @ http://irc.tikiwiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude msg from log), !help or >help to get info how to query our bots ;) Enjoy! [04:41]
what is cloak?
moselook at /who
06:24 -!- #tikiwiki luciash H 0 n=luci@tikiwiki/luciash [luciash d' being]
tikiwiki/luciash is a cloak
the management of cloaks, at the time I handled it, was manual
I have to mail freenode people to have changes made
as they verified I exist with a phone call long time ago
all is explained on the website
marclaportethank you mose
marclaporte is surprised they reached you by phone
yeah well, I was expecting it so they reached me
marclaportemarclaporte reads... [04:48]
luciashhi, any idea why would mlpvolt delete content of this page ? → http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-pagehistory.php?page=Adding+fields+to+a+tracker
helloya mose !
moseheyo luci
you got powers
marclaporteluciash: looks like error [04:52]
***marclaporte sets mode: +o luciash
marclaporte sets mode: +o mose
marclaporte sets mode: +o sylvieg
marclaporte sets mode: +o amette
marclaporte sets mode: +o chibaguy
luciashyea ! than ky ou :)
eh, it's 6:57am here... ;) i should go to bed finally :-p
chealermarclaporte: note that "giving operator privileges" is not permanent, you need to use chanserv for that
luciash: it's reassuring to have a few people people like you. I knew going to bed at 6 was not bad.
moseit can become permanent with adding the flag +O to users (auto-op) [04:59]
marclaportemose: : can you do that? [05:00]
moseyou can do that
good training
marclaportehehe [05:00]
mosetry /msg chanserv help set
and /msg chanserv help flags
get list of people with /msg chanserv access #tikiwiki list
luciashlater ops ;) [05:01]
mosegnite luci [05:01]
marclaportemsg ChanServ +O #tikiwiki chibaguy <- like this? [05:04]
more like /msg chanserv set #tikiwiki chibaguy +O
no actually
that's /msg chanserv flags #tikiwiki chibaguy +O
(as syntax changed)
chealeror /msg chanserv flags #tikiwiki chibaguy +o (more trendy) [05:07]
marclaporteand to remove someone? [05:07]
+o and +O are not the same
chealermarclaporte: /msg chanserv help flags
mose: +o - Enables use of the op/deop commands.
+O - Enables automatic op.
mosemarc already has the +o we were talking about auto-op [05:11]
chealermose: sorry, I didn't process your "not"
but I figure you may prefer o to O
moseI do, but that's not for me to decide, I let marc handle that
traditionnaly, in the past, there was no op in the channel unless there was op operation to conduct
but that's the past
marclaportethe past was tiki 1.9
now we work on Tiki4!!!
:-) :-)
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22282 10/trunk/templates/tiki-notepad_read.tpl: [FIX] remove stray apostrophe from r19624 [05:24]
marclaportemose : Tiki just turned 7 years old! [05:26]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22283 10/trunk/lib/userfiles/userfileslib.php: [FIX] DB abstraction: cast for SUM(VARCHAR) on PostgreSQL [05:26]
marclaportemarclaporte is not sure if more tired or more hungry.... [05:30]
mosein the doubt, sleep
qui dort dine
is tiki-objectpermissions.php known to be broken in trunk?
marclaporteknown to be flakey [05:47]
chealeryeah, it doesn't display permissions [05:48]
marclaportepick groups [05:48]
chealerassigned permissions [05:48]
marclaporte(it should pre-select groups, but it doesn't) Anonymous & Registered at least [05:48]
chealeryeah, I got past the missing checkboxes, but when I get them they're all unchecked
(even if some object perms are assigned)
......... (idle for 40mn)
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r22284 10/trunk/styles/strasa/options/ (cool.css mono.css): [FIX] Options' button selectors should be same as parent's. [06:29]
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22285 10/trunk/ (lib/tikilib.php tiki-notepad_write.php): [FIX] DB abstraction: support sequences starting at 0 [06:40]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22286 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-notepad_read.tpl tiki-notepad_read.php):
tikiwiki: [FIX] wiki page overwrite from note
tikiwiki: [SEC] perm check ignoring object level
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22287 10/branches/proposed/ (templates/tiki-notepad_read.tpl tiki-notepad_read.php):
tikiwiki: [FIX] wiki page overwrite from note
tikiwiki: [SEC] perm check ignoring object level
.... (idle for 18mn)
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22288 10/trunk/lib/userslib.php: DB abstraction: quote identifier [08:08]
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..... (idle for 21mn)
btiffin has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [08:31]
...... (idle for 25mn)
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22289 10/trunk/lib/ (tikilib.php trackers/trackerlib.php): DB abstraction: partial fixes (identifier quoting) [09:07]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r22290 10/users/chibaguy/trunk_themes/themes/ (12 files in 12 dirs): [FIX] Update misc. details to level of current trunk tiki.tpl. [09:18]
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy
kiilo has joined #tikiwiki
luciasheeek ! snow ! [09:27]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22291 10/trunk/lib/quizzes/quizlib.php: DB abstraction: fix list_quiz_stats() (quote identifier) [09:27]
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22292 10/trunk/templates/ (14 files):
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
tikiwiki: [FIX] multiline text rendering
tikiwiki: [FIX] colons inside tr blocks
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22293 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_surveys.tpl: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
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tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
tikiwiki: [FIX] multiline text rendering
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luciashluciash got woken up by strange sound of snow falling on roofs and frozen leaves of trees [09:39]
chibaguychibaguy thinks luciash must have very good hearing ability. [09:49]
.... (idle for 18mn)
luciashheheh, well, when the snow is frozen and falls down together with wind of 50kmph ;) [10:07]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r22295 10/trunk/get_strings.php: [MOD] get_strings: don't add php closing tag to language.php files (zend recommandation) [11:00]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22296 10/trunk/lib/quizzes/quizlib.php: quotes [11:35]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r22297 10/branches/3.0/lang/fr/language.php: [FIX] french language translations: fix one string
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22300 10/trunk/ (6 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] rollback partial 15091 tiki_p_use_as_template as nothing to do with the wiki template feature - it is depending on tracker and wiki [12:33]
sylvieg:-( I can not check any more permissions in tiki-objectpermissions
Am I really the only one to have problem with this one
luciashhad something simmilar yesterday but jonny said it works for him [12:40]
sylviegsylvieg will spend all my energy for the release to rewrite tiki_objectpermissions [12:41]
luciashit was related to setting global perms to a group either the old way on assignpermissions or the new way on objectpermissions
please talk with jonny perhaps first or if it is just about to make the backend working then go for it if you will keep the current GUI working
sylviegon my fresh install - I have no groups in show/hide columns [12:43]
luciashi could check it saved but it wasn'r reflected on the page... maybe caching issue ?
try clear cache
ah, fresh install
sylviegah found it - now there s 'select groups tabs.... but ther is still the show/hide .. pfff. [12:46]
luciashah, this one
it is to filter the groups columns in the table view
the other is php side to select what groups you want to work with to reduce overload i guess
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is there anybody here?
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olilandhi Guest3546 :) [14:09]
i don't know if this chat is the proper place to ask
I am trying to setup a tikiwiki but I am not able to do this
where can I ask my problems?
sylviegGuest3546: see topic of this channel [14:23]
my problem is that I want to create several wikis. One wiki for the proyect 1, other for proyect 2.
But user from proyect 1 can not edit pages of project 2
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Guest3546user 1 belongs to project 1 . User 1 can edit and view pages of project 1. But user 2 who belongs to project 2 can not view niether edit pages of project 1 [14:26]
olilandso is there anything that project 1 and project 2 have in common? [14:27]
Guest3546I have created 2 groups, project 1 and 2 but I am not able to do this
olilandbut you'd like them to run off the same tikiwiki? [14:27]
Guest3546yes, is it possible? [14:27]
sylviegworkspaces are on the development phase - will be out probably5 - for the moment you can use category and perms on category - if different differnet you can use multitiki [14:27]
Guest3546each group with their wiki
yes, but I dont know how to use categories
I have created 2 categories
with permissions: p_edit_categorized and p_view_categorized
category 1
and the same for the category 2
but the user 2 from group 2 can still edit pages of group 1
so I m doing maybe something wrong?
sylviegdid you assign the perms on the categories?
caatgory 1 must be tiki_p_edit_categorized only for group1 - the page must have category1 - and user2 must not be in group1
Guest3546so, when you created each page you have to check the category? [14:32]
sylviegyes [14:34]
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sylviegin tiki3 .... there is job done to easier the creation [14:34]
Guest3546ahmm, but it seems that when I create a new page I can not choose all the categories [14:34]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22301 10/trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [MOD] Row and column + buttons for table dialog [14:35]
sylviegthe groups need tiki_p_view_categories [14:35]
Guest3546an extra permission?
I will check right now
tiki_p_view_categorized category inherited from Anonymous Can view categorized items
I have it from anonymous
But could it be a problem that registered user has edit permissions?
so, if a user has registered permissions, user would be able to edit all the pages
sylviegthere is a perm to see the category tiki_p_view_category and there is a perm tio see the object of a category tiki_p_view_caetgorized [14:39]
Guest3546I m sorry, I dont get you
the permission I have for the categories are:
ProjectB tiki_p_edit_categorized Remove from this Category Only (Remove from this Category & all its Children) ProjectB tiki_p_view_categorized Remove from this Category Only (Remove from this Category & all its Children)
should i add more permission for the category? I removed the default permission for a category
sylviegthe problem is taht when editing a page you do not see the categories? [14:44]
Guest3546yes [14:44]
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sylviegso you need to add tiki_p_view_category (ou tiki_p_view_categories - I do not remmber) to registered to be able to see the category and be able to assigna page to it [14:45]
Guest3546but tiki_p_view_categorized is inherited
from anonymous
tiki_p_view_categorized category inherited from Anonymous Can view categorized items
so it is supossed I have already it
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22302 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX]tracker: fix rate [14:56]
Guest3546ok, i understood
tiki_p_view_categories added
ok, I understood
and just another question
is it possible to list only the pages of your category?
when you go to list pages
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22303 10/trunk/templates/tracker_item_field_value.tpl: [FIX]tracker: do not show voting link if no perm [15:08]
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22304 10/trunk/templates/tracker_item_field_value.tpl: [FIX]tracker: do not show delete vote if not voted [15:18]
sylviegthere is a filter on category in list_pages
but normally list_page is wysiwyg
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22305 10/trunk/lib/ (jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js tiki-js.js): [FIX] Set body of plugin to selection it's if not a whole plugin tag (thanks luci) [15:21]
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22306 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: [FIX]tracker: FILTER can works also on user and group [15:29]
luciashpolom [15:30]
Guest3546thank you very much
I got impressed with this chat
I guess you are working on it, right?
thank you sylvieg
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Caarrie;) [15:34]
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marclaportejonnyb: : I like progress on tables
it's very clear now
addition of clicky thing to add row & column is great
jonnybi'm just working on parsing links - it's a nightmare! [15:38]
marclaporteDo we still need to indicate? row 3,col 3 [15:38]
jonnyb:) [15:38]
marclaporteWhy not just put 3 or 4 spaces [15:39]
luciash? [15:39]
jonnybno idea - maybe if you're editing an existing table you don't get that - or maybe it's a waste of ascii? Happy to defer to user testing... [15:40]
marclaporteWhen you create a table, instead of populating with row 3,col 3, row 2,col 3, I would leave 3 spaces.
because now, we need to change them all
luciashi would leave only two spaces
because then you have an extra space for nothing if you put cursor there ;)
jonnyb: and what about t instead of space ?
marclaporteThis is going to be fun [15:43]
luciashit would be nicely aligned then for start ;) [15:43]
jonnybbrowser textareas don't like them, do they? [15:43]
luciashthey like them [15:43]
jonnybusually the tab key selects the next input [15:43]
luciashjust users are not able to enter them if they don't use tabinta FF extension like me ;)
but they can delete them for sure... won't hurt
me sees now potential for insert tab icon ;)
luciash likes to use tabinta ;)
jonnybdoes parse_data() handle them? [15:44]
luciash(tabinta = tab in textarea) [15:45]
marclaportewith latest svn up, I can no longer edit tables [15:45]
luciashwhy not... it's just a space character... nothing depends on it afaik [15:45]
marclaporteit just inserts a second one [15:45]
luciashin tables it should be safe [15:45]
jonnyboh? :( [15:46]
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marclaportemarclaporte confirms that selected text is passed to CODE plugin (yay!) it's sent to body [15:47]
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marclaportein fact, I found a bug, the text is duplicated to CODE plugin, but it stays there. Thus result is zzzzzzz{CODE()}zzzzzzz{CODE} [15:49]
jonnybyou're not getting a browser cached version of the JS files, are you? [15:50]
marclaporte1- type zzzzzzz 2- select zzzzzzz 3- Click CODE plugin 4- click replace (in Firefox)
no idea
I will force a refresh
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marclaportemarclaporte does CTRL f5 [15:58]
still same problem in FF3, but Opera is OK. But in Opera, if I try internal or external links, the page refreshes [16:05]
luciashhow do i hide line numbers (i have :set nu) temporarily in vim ?
found it
jonnybodd marclaporte - seems fine in my firefox [16:13]
marclaporteok [16:16]
FrankP_germanhello, I found a db problem by tw 3
the table tiki_plugin_security is define a field approval_by
luciashhello FrankP_german [16:18]
FrankP_germantiki-3.2-mysqli.spl line 3822
in tikilib.php is "INSERT INTO tiki_plugin_security (`fingerprint`, `status`, `added_by`, `last_objectType`, `last_objectId`)
field 'added_by'
waht is correct?
sylviegFrankP_german: tiki3.2 went out with the bug - will be repaired on the next release [16:33]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Show all php error messages - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=34925 [16:36]
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liquidapeanybody care to help me fix an issue with the "files" plugin 2.4?
it is not displaying the files - just empty slots where the files would be
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22307 10/trunk/lib/toolbars/ (new_file.js toolbarslib.php): [FIX] Table dialog tool now copes with links correctly [17:08]
oysI can't get the wysiwyg editor working with tikiwiki 3.0. am I just not trying hard enough or is this not a feature? [17:08]
jonnybsorry liquidape - not familiar with that one but as far as i know it works. Are you sure the web server has permission to see them? [17:09]
oysalso: is 4.0 stable enough to use in a small office (10 users) or should I go with 3.0 nd then upgrade? [17:09]
jonnyboys: can you try 3.2? It's better, i believe, but far from perfect
4.0 is still pre-beta, so it depends how much work you have to get done :)
liquidapeyeah, it should...my old installation could see them fine
I tried putting the old plugin in and it appeared to work - but IE is broken with it
oysjonnyb: I meant 3.2. I'm looking for a wiki to run at a large organization in Norway. Initially it will be used by about 100 beta-testers, but hopefully it should be available to about 10000 people on the intranet in not too long.
I have some interesting constraints and requirements. It must deal with norwegian characters (a-z, æøå) and it must be very userfriendly (WYSIWYG; I can't teach everyone wikimarkup)
also, I don't work in the IT department, and they are Windows-only with IIS as their preferred webserver.
jonnyboys: if you're not going to be needing it "in anger" for a few weeks you could try 4 (which is still in trunk at the moment) but i think i'd hold off until it branches at least if it's your first time with tiki [17:14]
luciashoys: norwegian characters are no problem as it's utf-8 but for wysiwyg i recommend to wait for Tiki 4 [17:15]
jonnybwhere are you? (i am familiar with the æøå issues ;) ) [17:15]
oysOslo, Norway [17:15]
jonnybAh, i'm coming over for a friend's birthday in a few weeks - nice place [17:16]
Kissakipolom [17:16]
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jonnybliquidape: sounds like a bug, but 2.x is gone now - try 3.2? [17:17]
oysI've done a lot of testing with foswiki. It's a pretty good fit except it has issues with localization. It doesn't use utf-8 but with the correct locale I had everything working in Linux. But the IT department only deals with Windows. [17:18]
liquidape:-) tried - my database was not upgradeing nicely - and I had to get the wiki up under a deadline
so 3.x is another project - just need that filegal working for now
jonnybliquidape: how about trying the 3.2 plugin file? [17:19]
liquidapewell, filegal works - just not files plugin [17:19]
oysfoswiki+ IIS = major pain. foswiki+apache+windows worked OK. Except that there's a known issue where links can't include non a-z characters. [17:19]
liquidapethats what I'm trying now [17:19]
jonnybi'm not familiar with foswiki [17:19]
liquidapefree open source wiki [17:20]
jonnybi know tiki needs special care to run smoothly on IIS - i haven't tried (but people do) [17:20]
oysfoswiki forked from t-wiki because t-wiki was too comercial. [17:20]
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oysbut for the record: tikiwiki 4 should have a wysiwig editor suitable for not-very-computer-literate-users, for the wiki-pages? [17:25]
olilandthe one it has isn't bad [17:25]
oysand I'm assuming it won't be too much work migrating content from 3.2 to 4.0 [17:25]
luciashit uses CKEditor but much improved now in Tiki 4
to support more wiki syntax
oysluciash: I'm a bit confused. the editor I have working in 3.2 allows me to select text and click on bold. This adds wiki-markup to the text but does not make it bold until you click preview. [17:30]
luciashit's not wysiwyg, it's the normal wiki one
you have to enable it in preferences and switch
oysluciash: in that case, I'll come back after reading the docs more thoroughly. I'm pretty sure I ticked all the right boxes, but apparently not. just one last bit of advice: do I need to install CKEditor as an external plugin or is it included in 3.2? [17:33]
marclaporteoys: : about WYSIWYG: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.tiki.devel/14068 Text area helpers, Wiki Syntax and WYSIWYG and the strategic importance for TikiWiki [17:33]
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luciashoys: it's included
>doctwo wysiwyg
Sug4r`http://doc.tikiwiki.org/wysiwyg [17:35]
marclaporteoys: If you need to keep in sync multilingual content, Tiki is excellent: http://wiki-translation.com/tiki-index.php?page=CLWE+Demo+Screencast [17:38]
oysmarclaporte: interesting read. I was aware that it was an issue, but now I understand better why. I work as a police investigator and there is a huge need for knowledge sharing, both at a local level and the national level. Getting police officers to start using a wiki will be hard enough as it is and telling people they can't write like they do in Word will mean the project will fail. [17:39]
marclaporteoys: : find profiles and apply this one: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/WYSIWYG_Wiki
the text-editor stuff we (mostly Jonny!) are doing are quasi-WYSIWYG
but if you do use FCK, try the profile, and deactivate features that are not critical
The more Wiki syntax which mixes with HTML, the more risky it gets
oys : about knowledge sharing: make sure to check beyond the wiki
TWiki is quite good at structured content as well
oysmarclaporte: I haven't got that far yet. I've put in some long hours this weekend trying to get foswiki (since it is what I am familiar with) to work with Windows and only started exploring alternative wiki platforms this afternoon. [17:44]
marclaporteFOSWiki & Twiki are very close at this point. Here are others; http://tikiwiki.org/Wiki+Landscape
Let us know on your findings :-)
GillesMhello [17:47]
KissakiGillesM: 'lo [17:47]
marclaportebbl [17:47]
oysthe current situation is that once in a while, someone will take the time to make a how-to guide for a specific topic. This will be saved printed and put into a binder, saved on a couple of usb-memory-sticks somewhere, and mailed to people that specifically request it. as time goes by, the how-to becomes dated, the person that wrote it quit, and the value of the information deteriorates. [17:48]
GillesMall my site works on 3.2 but I have a column problem on Internet Explorer .. all the column are on bottom of thesite [17:48]
FrankP_germanwhat is the difference between the db tables tiki_users and users_users
tiki_users is not superfluous?
oys..and don't get me started on how fun it is to frantically be searching for a specific how-to somewhere on a windows-share only to discover that the last person who accessed it moved it to their desktop instead of making a copy :)
marclaporte: I had a look at wikimatrix when I was doing initial research for which platform to go with. mediawiki looked appealing, but not great wysiwyg or user management.
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oysI was looking for something which had been tested and tried by other large companies. Here t-wiki/foswiki had me sold with their "customer testimonials" [17:54]
liquidapemarclaporte: you would not happen to have a copy of the files plugin that works with 2.4 would you? [17:54]
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liquidapeI have one from 2.2ish that works on firefox/chrome, but breaks in IE [17:55]
GillesMdo you remember the address of the site to display a site on each browser ? [17:59]
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luciashbrowsershots.com ?
nope :-p
GillesMah yes [18:03]
chealerpolom [18:03]
GillesMluciash: hello [18:03]
polom chealer
hi GillesM
GillesMluciahs all my site have all the collumn displayed vertically idea ? [18:04]
luciashidea is that i already told you
tiki.tpl problem with new css
GillesMwhen did you tell me ? [18:06]
luciashsome month ago
and you had it fixed for your site even yourself
didn't you ?
GillesMno on Internet Explorer
it is fixed only for firefox
I am testing all the site and I have the problem with internet Explorer only
luciashah, there are lot of IEs and each one is crap[18:07] <luciash> without knowing version hard to tell [18:07]
GillesMsorry Internet 7.05 [18:09]
luciashif it's less than 8 i am pretty sure there's some error in xhtml [18:09]
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luciashyou can check with w3c validator if there is some unclosed div tag ? [18:09]
GillesMok [18:09]
luciashalso make sure you didn't left any old tpl files on your sites when upgrading (always better to upgrade in new directory and copy your customized files after, not just overwrite the old site) [18:11]
GillesMI have did that with new dir and copying only some files [18:11]
luciashthat's fine :) [18:12]
GillesMThis document was successfully checked as XHTML 1.0 Transitional! [18:14]
luciashhmmm... does your css @import lite/lite.css ? [18:15]
GillesMyes [18:16]
luciashyou say it is on all your upgraded sites ? [18:17]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Ich habe mich wohl ausgesperrt ... - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=10&comments_parentId=34927 [18:18]
GillesMyes sir :)
you can see it on www.gillesmaire.com
luciashif i had IE7 ;)
but i am pretty sure other sites work in IE7... e.g. tw.o
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luciashare all of them "fixed-width" ?
is it only one column going down or both ? left or right ?
GillesMsometime one sometime both [18:21]
luciashone left or one right ? [18:22]
GillesMsometime left column is on bottom [18:23]
luciashok, what means sometime ? only on some pages of the site or only on some sites homepage ? [18:23]
GillesMall the sites have the same problem : on IE7 all the column are displayed vertically [18:27]
luciashare they all fixed-width ? [18:28]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Need to include javascript in pages, Keep getting appearing inside code - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34928 [18:28]
luciashGillesM: do you have "layershadows" enabled ? [18:28]
GillesMwhere Do i see that ? [18:31]
luciashat L&F, second tab [18:35]
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GillesMluciash: it is disabled [18:38]
luciashenable [18:38]
GillesMit show me windows [18:39]
which windows ?
GillesMsome Main shadow start etc [18:40]
luciashit doesn' matter, just enable and save and try again in IE7 just to be sure it is not the problem [18:40]
GillesMI have to go I have a guest [18:40]
luciashthe checkbox must be enabled [18:40]
GillesMsame effect
see you later
and thanks
luciashlater [18:40]
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luciashGillesM: maybe just try to disable the transition stylesheet (use none) if it does affect it [19:16]
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sylviegchealer: did you see my meesage about lastModif? [22:04]
chealersylvieg: no [22:04]
sylviegbefore I forget.. commit 22289
I am ok with f.`lastModif` as `lastmodif`' => 'tfg.`lastModif` as `lastmodif`'
but not with f.`lastModif` as `lastModif`' => 'tfg.`lastModif` as `lastModif`'
I must say I did not check
bit the associative array later will be messy
... not at all sure about that
chealersylvieg: I have no problem with that [22:07]
sylviegthe tpls still have lastmodif...
but if you test ... it should be ok
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22308 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX]tracker: get rid of the check about one item per user/ip to get the user item - because the IP check does not work necessarily - if 2 items - will give back one random one [22:09]
chealersylvieg: if I test what? [22:10]
sylviegsorry if you tested [22:10]
chealersylvieg: I didn't test that commit
if it's buggy, I'm all for f.`lastModif` as `lastmodif`' => 'tfg.`lastModif` as `lastmodif`'
sylviegit is just my feeling - I did not test too... I will test later [22:12]
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luciashis it easy to add &fullscreen=t support for "temporary" fullscreen ? (which wouldn't save to session but only force one page to display in fullscreen ?)
now we have &fullscreen=y but then one needs to supply fullscreen=n if he wants it back again on next page
or maybe just &fullscreen could be fine for this "temporary" fulscreen ?
(as we have &display and &thumb to force files)
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GillesMhi Luciash
whithout transition sltylesheet it does'n't work :(
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22309 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php:
tikiwiki: added icons with links to refresh Tiki cache and to set up the logo etc. calling
tikiwiki: it Quick Admin for now - it's just to help us devs now to allow quickly clear
tikiwiki: Tiki cache when we do testing with many svn ups locally and it can be
tikiwiki: removed/replaced/done better before release
luciashGillesM: can you quickly try if the fixed-width is the culprit ?
remove it and try if it works with full-width
maybe there's a bug in the fixed-width css
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luciashGillesM: what about your mediaplayer code in Tiki ? can you fix or kill ?
fix or improve ?
it was nice interesting idea to have skinnable player in tiki core but somewhat stalled and orphaned
marclaporteGillesM : http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=34909&topics_offset=8&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&forumId=4 [23:11]
GillesMluciah I will remove the code after my 3.2 migrations
Marc I will think alert after multimedia deletion
what is culprit ?
luciash: ?
luciashtry to remove the fixed-width css [23:18]
sylviegluciash is the culprit? [23:18]
to see if it is caused by that
GillesMok [23:19]
marclaporteGillesM: can you answer the person? [23:21]
GillesMwhat do you name fixed-width ?
marclaporte : answered
luciashGillesM: the CSS you put in your custom.css we provided you to have the fixed width centered layout website [23:24]
GillesMluciash: I have sites with fixed-width and other without and I have the same pb [23:26]
marclaportethanks! [23:26]
sylviegsylvieg thought that gillesm's problem og column color could be solved with a backgrounf to #middle [23:27]
GillesMsylvieg: no I have a problem with Internet Explorer 7 column [23:28]
luciashGillesM: then it must be something proprietary you put in because afaik other Tiki sites with full width work nicely with three columns in IE7 [23:33]
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luciashGillesM: or maybe you ommited something which is in original tiki.tpl ? hard to say... [23:34]
sylviegsylvieg thinks that gillesm that gillesm plays to much with margin/padding with his stlye - as the box problem in IE is well known [23:34]
luciashmaybe width: 100% and padding/margin can have unexpected influence and "wrap" the columns if they don't fit in the width ? [23:35]
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luciashsylvieg: good point [23:35]
sylviegwhy do you need gillesmaire.css #col2{margin-top : -11px}
with IE everything you need is a pixel..
GillesMsylvie els I have a shift
in the lite.css I have margin-right:-100%;
sylviegyou did noit change lite.css properly to have your column width [23:39]
GillesMI don't have to chante lite.css
sylviegso far I now luciash correct me - but if you want to have different column widths - better to do in lite - I kinow we can overwrite - but .. it is so easy in lite [23:41]
GillesMif I suppress -100% on lite I got the problem of column in firefox [23:43]
luciashsylvieg: better not to touch lite.css but override
override only the margin values and widths as commented in there
-100% shouldn't be changed
GillesMbut -100% is not understood by IE [23:45]
sylviegyeh - I alwasy follow the comments - thx luciash and I have no pb [23:45]
luciashonly the cols widths and margins of col1
if different than default 180px
GillesM: there are conditions which modern browsers understand and CSS valid workarounds for different versions of IE in lite.css
GillesMI don't understand wht you suggest me to do [23:48]
luciashGillesM: i don't suggest anything... just to understand you can see http://www.ground.cz/luci/css/lite/
GillesM: if that helps you (somehow)
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GillesMok now I will go to sleep [23:54]
marclaportegood night GillesM! [23:54]
GillesMcan you give th adresse of your tikiwiki luciash using import lite ? [23:54]
luciashhttp://tikiwiki.org ;)
www.menghao.cz you mean ?
GillesMno excuse me this with margin ...
luciashthis uses fixed width too: http://crystals.ourwiki.net [23:55]
GillesMand with columns ...
these sites are without col
luciashactually they have only right col on i think [23:59]

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