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shouldn't there be a proposals/9x already? Or should I propose to 6.x and it'll get merged up?
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Jyhemhi amette: I believe there is no proposals/9x because no qa team rose up and volunteered for handling it. [01:14]
ametteHi Jyhem : yeah, thought so, well, I'll propose to 6.x then... it's image galleries anyways, that fits well there ;) [01:14]
Jyhemso the new flow is commit in trunk and test thoroughly before merging in 9.x
what improvement ?
or fix
ametteI read it here: http://dev.tiki.org/Version+lifecycle#x_2012-10 - that's why I figured there should be a proposals/9.x
the caching of thumbnails and scaled images is broken
puh, I need an SSD... checking out trunk virtually stops my machine :P
Jyhemin 6? I thought deprecated features were rock-stable… oh well [01:18]
ametteyeah, I was a bit surprised, too
i found the problem in 9, dunno if it is a regression - I'll see that in a bit...
Jyhemok. I feel ill. Took a grog. Need to sleep now. bye bye [01:20]
ametteGrog and sleep will help!! :)
sleep well, cya
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03amette r44390 10trunk/lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Actually really insert something into the database when user asks to rebuild thumbnails
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tikiwiki 03amette r44391 10branches/proposals/6.x/lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php
tikiwiki [bp/r44390][FIX] Actually really insert something into the database when user asks to rebuild thumbnails
tikiwiki 03amette r44392 10trunk/lang/da/language.php
tikiwiki [ENH] One more string tranlated
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Migrating Tiki 8.2 File Gallery Problem - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=45696 [06:05]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03kstingel r44393 10users/kstingel/ 10(51 files)
tikiwiki [REF] converted initial comment block (Id line left as comment) to PageLevel DocBlock ready for API Doc generation
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happy tiki :)
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happy tiki aswell
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03sylvieg r44394 10trunk/ 10modules/mod-func-freetags_most_popular.php 10lib/freetag/freetaglib.php
tikiwiki [ENH]can select blogId in freetag most popular module
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hello, could someone explain how to make sitemap for website? in documentation it says that there is some Sitemap component, but i canät find it anywhere in configuration....
Iäm using 9.2 version
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Hello all. Anybody know about the current state of tw.o today?
I am seeing a cascade of system errors on tw.o and doc.tw.o.
I only spotted this because I am doing a dead-link check on orionrobots, and noted that the link checker is getting 500s and 403's from doc.tw.o.
I've tweeted it too - not sure who'd be paying attention now though...
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03kstingel r44395 10users/kstingel/ 10PHPdocProj/db/index.php 10PHPdocProj/db/tiki-db-pdo.php 10PHPdocProj/db/tiki-db.php 10PHPdocProj/db/tiki-db-adodb.php
tikiwiki [REF] converted initial comment block (Id line left as comment) to PageLevel DocBlock ready for API Doc generation
tikiwiki 03kstingel r44396 10users/kstingel/ 10(51 files)
tikiwiki [FIX] added missing full-stop to DocBlock short description so that PHPdocumentor will parse correctly, also added some missing DocBLocks further down the pages
tikiwiki 03kstingel r44397 10users/kstingel/PHPdocProj/css/index.php
tikiwiki [REF] converted initial comment block (Id line left as comment) to PageLevel DocBlock ready for API Doc generation
tikiwiki 03kstingel r44398 10users/kstingel/ 10PHPdocProj/doc/devtools/htmlconvert.php 10PHPdocProj/doc/index.php 10PHPdocProj/doc/devtools/index.php 10PHPdocProj/doc/devtools/ks_prefreport.php
tikiwiki [REF] converted initial comment block (Id line left as comment) to PageLevel DocBlock ready for API Doc generation
tikiwiki 03kstingel r44399 10users/kstingel/PHPdocProj/about.php
tikiwiki [REF] converted comment blocks to DocBlocks ready for PHPdocumentor parser
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tikiwiki 03kstingel r44400 10users/kstingel/ 10PHPdocProj/lib/filegals/scormlib.php 10PHPdocProj/lib/filegals/max_upload_size.php 10PHPdocProj/lib/filegals/index.php 10PHPdocProj/lib/filegals/filegallib.php
tikiwiki [REF] converted initial comment block (Id line left as comment) to PageLevel DocBlock ready for API Doc generation
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tikiwiki 03kstingel r44401 10users/kstingel/ 10(39 files in 3 dirs)
tikiwiki [REF] converted initial comment block (Id line left as comment) to PageLevel DocBlock ready for API Doc generation
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jyhem r44402 10trunk/tiki-list_comments.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Show missing tracker comments

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