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New Forum Posts: trunk - r54959 - plugin trackerlist - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55622
New Forum Posts: CATORPHANS Plugin update in trunk - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55626
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New Forum Posts: trunk - r54959 - plugin trackerlist - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55622
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Telesightleft #tikiwiki [13:24]
Tiki-KGB03xavidp r54963 10branches/12.x/ 10lib/init/tra.php 10lib/core/Tracker/Field/Dropdown.php
[ROLLBACK/r54769][bp/r54738][FIX] trackers: Seems explode on an empty string creates an array with one zero element, so if one of the options for the dropdown is zero that defaults to being selected (thanks Xavi, hopefully fixes wish5599)
[bp/r54739][FIX] tr: Seems if the string "0" is translated it is returned as an empty string for all languages (discovered while investigating wish5599)
Thanks luci for reporting the issues in previous versions of php with this backport from tiki14.
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03gezzzan r54964 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-show_page.tpl * [FIX] prevent page save message to overlap other elements [14:14]
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wolfgangajoined #tikiwiki
polom :-)
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gezzahi wolfganga! are you around? [14:53]
wolfgangahi i am hhere
gezza i am here
gezzai noticed an issue with minify javascript Tiki14: it fails when codemirror is not enable (feature_syntax_highlighter if off) with message: Uncaught ReferenceError: CodeMirror is not defined
if I enable codemirror, than it works again
wolfgangais this tki14 or trunk? [14:55]
gezzamaybe there is a check missing somewhere
wolfgangai rewrote the entire JS handling due to there have been so many weaknesses / special cases (the rank system etc.) - and that commit is in trunk
however - since it is a major rewrite - jonnyb does not feel comftable to put in tiki14
this rewrite adresses nearly all race conditions, rank isses, minify issue etc.
gezzajust checked in trunk, it is the same problem there [14:59]
wolfgangaalso in trunk - wow that is strange. - however in trunk it will be easy to sort out
so all i have to do is to disable syntax highligt?
to get the isse?
gezzayes, disable feature_syntax_highlighter and minify [15:01]
wolfgangalet me check - should be easy to fix [15:01]
gezzai saw that commit, looked good, maybe we should try to convince jonny about it :) [15:02]
wolfgangai did already - but yet he feels not comftable. all i can say is that this commit mafe it even possible for me to find the race condition / issue with codemirror rows yesterday.
and lots of other issues that the js integration had.
so maybe we need just some more +1 n the dev list so he sees its really been used and tested
gezzayes, there are many skeletons in the closet.. [15:05]
wolfgangathey certainly are! :-)
one thing about this js commit: since it redfines the accessor method to add js files and also the function signature, backports related to adding handling js files will become more difficult between trunk and 14.x
that was one more reason to bp it - at least for me.
Tiki-KGB03walper r54965 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php
[FIX] Complements 54959. Added sanity check when automatically building dropdown for tablesorter in plugin trackerlist. Checks that the trackerfield is from type dropdown.
03chibaguy r54966 10branches/ 10(24 files in 18 dirs)
[FIX] Correct menu background colors in some FiveAlive-lite theme options, clean up files (remove commented-out lines, etc.).
03walper r54967 10(28 files in 22 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54956 to 54966
chibaguyHi. Were you just talking about javascript problems in branch 14? Just now I svn-upped and it seems minify javasacript isn't working. [15:34]
gezzahi chibaguy [15:36]
chibaguyhi gezza [15:36]
gezzait is working for me except if codemirror is not enabled [15:36]
chibaguyoh, I don't think I have codemirror enabled. [15:36]
gezzaenable feature_syntax_highlighter [15:37]
chibaguyok, I'll try that. [15:37]
wolfgangagezza - are you there? [15:37]
gezzayes [15:37]
wolfgangafix commited in 14.x /and trunk - can you try pls? [15:37]
Tiki-KGB03walper r54968 10branches/14.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/tiki_codemirror.php
[FIX] Codemirror modes must only load if the feature is enabled. Otherwise they would create a JS error. (Thx gezza)
03walper r54969 10trunk/lib/codemirror_tiki/tiki_codemirror.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54966 to 54968
wolfgangachibaguy - can you also test pls (if you had an issue with minify )? [15:42]
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fabriciuswolfganga: I mean the sortable problem of the fields of the external (source tracker) "field array" in trackers field type "items list", which means we have no appropriate way to sort the displayed fields (ok, we could maybe use numbes in the names to sort by alphabet, baut that I would not even consider a workaround - that would be just wrong) [15:59]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Tiki registration tracker - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55632 [16:11]
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wolfgangafabricius - are you there? [16:32]
wolfgangawas certainly a lot of work to setup your tracker example. ;-) [16:35]
fabricius:-) [16:35]
wolfgangai have a question [16:35]
Tiki|botWelcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you! [16:35]
just ask
wolfgangai am here: http://torsten-11143-5621.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=39&#contenttabs_view_tracker_item-1 [16:35]
fabriciusok, e aswell now
wolfgangathe problem is that "Location Data" does not show a value - correct? [16:36]
fabriciusonly, when the linked field (the corresponding field of target THIS tracker) is a dynamic item link - it works, when it is an item link
but yes, "Location Data" contains for ex. the adress of the "Location"
wolfgangaok again the question: "location data" should show a value? - corect? [16:38]
actiually it should show an array
wolfgangalet me dig depper into this - will take a while [16:38]
fabriciusI am sure, that this is not a 5 minute thing
this is why I applied the category "community project" and did not consider it as a bug
still I consider it as a non-finalised functionality
what you think about? good find?
I mean, finalising would notreplace the idea of a master-slave capability, as a slave needs more options and must display multiple "subcontent items" based on more than one condition, but still I think this one (dynamic items list) would be quite useful or necessary in common basic use cases
I mean automatically displaying an adress based on a dynamically pre-filtered condition seems to me kind of normal, after I worked with the stuff a while now
MagicFab_joined #tikiwiki [16:46]
wolfgangai think i have an idea about what happens - still need some more research [16:49]
fabriciusok, sure. take your time [16:57]
Tiki-KGB03walper r54970 10branches/14.x/tiki-view_tracker.php * [FIX] Fixed undefined var in tracker view.
03walper r54971 10trunk/tiki-view_tracker.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54968 to 54970
03chibaguy r54972 10branches/ 1014.x/themes/fivealive-lite/less/bootstrap-variables.less 1014.x/themes/fivealive-lite/css/fivealive-lite.css * [FIX] Headings somehow lost their font-family (Lato).
03walper r54973 10trunk/themes/fivealive-lite/less/bootstrap-variables.less 10trunk/themes/fivealive-lite/css/fivealive-lite.css 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54970 to 54972
03walper r54974 10branches/ 1014.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php 1014.x/tiki-view_tracker.php
[FIX] Wrong variable type in trackerfilter. Pls do not simply ignore php warnings.
03walper r54975 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php 10trunk/tiki-view_tracker.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54972 to 54974
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03chibaguy r54976 10branches/14.x/themes/snow/ 10less/snow.less 10css/snow.css * [FIX] Edited the web font URL. [17:48]
fabriciuswolfganga: sach emol, liegt das Anzeigeproblem etwa nicht an der Felddefinition vom "items list", sondern am Trackerlist Plugin? Also erkennt "items list" im Prinzip schon auch den dynamisch gelinkten Feldinhalt, nur zeigt das dann wegen ner anderen Variablenbezeichnung das Trackerlist Plugin nicht an?
wolfganga: ich hab jetzt mal auf show.tiki.org Clear all Caches und Rebuild Search index und SVN Up gemacht. Noch nix. By the way: very cool, tat you straight away take this on .. did not expect such fast contribution to fix the problem
wolfgangafabri - just finishes to setup the dev system to repro your issue
really not easy and quite complex to repro and analyze
ok - setup for a very basic repro of the isse done. limited to the fields besessary
fabriciusI appreciate your work - especially on easter monday. Hope you are not risking a family rebellion ;-) [18:00]
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fabriciusI can imagine, that the functionality simply is not yet added at all. So it would be very hard to find the bug imho. But best would be, that I wait another while and let you further review. [18:02]
wolfgangaIts more complex than that
Its they way itemlist works - was still one of the fields buggy....
but - in this sense - you are right - functionallity not still there ^^
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fabriciuswolfganga: what do you think makes more sense: adding a second, a dynamic items list field, or to extend the existing items list to cover both - dynamic and non-dynamic use case? anyway we would need sortable display for both and thus maybe using one single field might need less maintaining effort? Or do we maybe need the flexibility of two fields? [18:18]
wolfgangafabricius - iyes/no/maybe - need to think about. Anyway pls have a look at the text of the item-list field pls
"Field ID from this tracker matching the value in the link field ID from the other tracker if the field above is not an item link."
The last sentence should inculde "...and not of type dynamic object list"
Its noz implemented at all
however i agree - that it should be implemented.
I understand why it is not implemented - (tricky and difficult) - but it limits the functionallity a lot
tiki is always tricky (TM)
qbileft #tikiwiki [18:23]
fabricius:-) wolfganga, kind of uderstand. I hope that fixing that issue by adding dynamic behaviour and sortability aswell will be useful for your companies usecase aswell. I am in the meantime starting to look into Plugin List to get some experience for further advanced setups, which seems to become relevant aswel for you as for myself in the near future. [18:27]
wolfgangaplugin list is certainly worth a look (ot two :-). Keep in mind that this works only with unified search - so US must be ok. [18:28]
fabriciusyou mean, LIST would not work with ES?
No, I think I missunderstood
wolfgangaSry for not being clear. LIST relies on US. US can use ES, Mysql, or php-lucene# [18:33]
fabricius.. I have been unclear and missunderstood for a moment - Unified Search uses one of three engines: mySQL text Search, Lucene and Elastic Search, right? Lucene is broken or to become depricated, so we have mySQL for standart shared hosting use cases and optionally highly advanced Elastic Seach for those who have access to either external ES services or to a rootserver (VPS or dedicated) ... # [18:35]
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wolfgangafabricius - are you theer? [19:25]
fabriciuswolfganga: jupi
wolfganga: whazup?
wolfgangaFirst progress made. Hardcoding soem stuff, it get something displayed. Now trying to put it in some good code [19:28]
fabriciusWOW [19:28]
wolfgangado you have a trunk setup where you could check against? [19:29]
fabriciusso you got the field "items list" recognising the dynamic linked value? [19:29]
wolfganga... for myself, i just made 3 tracker with only the bare minium of fields * [19:29]
fabriciusI can svn up the show instance [19:29]
wolfgangai see
will take certainly 45-60minutes
before i can commit somthing
just wanted you to know - so you test it
fabriciusok, no problem - I might be afk from time to time, for ex. to make some fodd for everbody here, but I will frequently check even if I am not here permanently for a while
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Hey, I installed TikiWiki 14.0beta and I am unable to figure out how to enable the button that allows an author to lock their page
you mean to lock the userpage or any page the author created?
MrEggsaladAny wiki page the author created [20:36]
fabriciusMrEggsalad: I have heard about a functionality like that - never used in years (although there seem to be use cases) but I never heard about this button
would have to check
MrEggsaladOn https://doc.tiki.org/Using+Wiki+Pages under "Working with Wiki pages" it sounds like its a feature and there should be a button (as shown in the screenshot too)
I guess it's possible that 14.0beta randomly has that functionality removed, although I couldn't find it on the demo severs with other versions either
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fabriciusMrEggsalad: anyway, if the functionality is existing, what I assume, you first have to activate the corresponding preference - I think somewhere in tiki-admin.php?page=wiki [20:53]
MrEggsaladI couldn't find anything in there
14 may not have it as the demo servers had a listing for "tiki_p_lock" (although it didn't seem to enable anything), while 14 didn't have that preference
fabriciusit is there - just checked in the search of tiki-admin.php [20:56]
MrEggsaladsource or in browser? [20:56]
fabriciusDID you apply the visibility of advanced and experimental features in tiki-admin.php? [20:56]
MrEggsaladoh no I did not [20:56]
fabriciusyou know where? [20:57]
MrEggsaladI don't [20:57]
fabriciusgo to yoursite.com/tiki-admin.php [20:57]
MrEggsaladokay [20:58]
fabriciusin the middle of the site (content area) you find a gray box (the first one)
there you see top left an icon that looks like a funneö
MrEggsaladah I got it [20:58]
fabriciusand a tiny arrow besides it [20:59]
MrEggsalad(the experimental anyway) [20:59]
fabriciusah good
right hand side in the same gray box you find a search module (input field)
type in: lock pages
and enter
MrEggsaladThere it is
thanks a lot!
I had no clue I wasn't looking at all of the features/preferences
fabriciusno, in the search result, you see that it is in "wiki"
we would be lost without the preference search
MrEggsaladRight, but I mean I was looking at "basic" versus "advanced" and "experimental"
I've got it working now
thanks for the help
fabriciusand now below your pages you find the "lock" button ;-) [21:01]
MrEggsaladyep! [21:01]
fabriciusno prob, always welcome. we help each other here
it is part of the Tiki culture
Tiki offered some great page-by-page permissions and appeared to have a large community
exactly what I wanted/needed
fabriciusMrEggsalad: please be very careful when using object permissions - danger to dig your own grave ... kind of a possible trap, never will find reason, if permissions conflict
MrEggsalad: better use category permissions and use object permissions only for very specific and rare objects, for ex for public landing pages, where anonymous users generally have no access elsewhere
category is much better to use for user roles and rights management
roles and permissions
wolfganga: are you still there?
wolfganga: I came a good bit further with Plugin List
wolfganga: see here: http://torsten-11143-5621.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php#Using_Plugin_List_with_dynamic_and_non-dynamic_corresponding_field
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MrEggsaladfabricius, yeah I was going to work in categories as that seemed how TikiWiki was designed [21:30]
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Loll78joined #tikiwiki [21:43]
Hi everybody. I have some problems to run wkhtmltopdf (version 0.12.1) on a headless system (debian-jessy). Running wkhtmltopddf with "xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1024x768x24" wkhtmltopdf http://google.com google.pdf" works, so I tried to incorporate it in a wkhtmltopdf.sh file (xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" wkhtmltopdf "$@" ) But it still does not work in Tiki (version 13). Any suggestions? [21:50]
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Loll78: hi
Loll78Hi fabricius [22:03]
fabriciusI guess nyour question is very specific and a bit third party centric - you should write a post to the appropriate Tiki forum and additionally a message to the Tiki user list [22:04]
Loll78What should I enter at the "WebKit path" ?? I have "/usr/local/bin/" [22:06]
wolfgangaLoll78: enter the full absolute path. i.e. /usr/local/bin/wkhtml2pdf [22:12]
fabriciusahh he is still alive: wolfganga [22:12]
wolfgangafabricius - your issue is more complicated than you might think. maybe you createed the need for a new fieldtype ^^ - anyway need to go
talk to you sson - goog night togeher
* needs a new keyboard*
Loll78wolfganga: /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf is not a directory [22:14]
fabriciusI think so wolfganga; I believe it to be complicated. Although I believ that not I did create the need, but I did locate it ;-)
see you soon wolfganga
Loll78wolfganga: I have only a file named wkhtmltopdf.sh in the directory /usr/local/bin [22:14]
wolfganga@Loll78 - of cause the www process must have execute permission on that wkhtml2pdf file .... [22:15]
Loll78all files and directory got acess by chmod a+x [22:16]
wolfgangathen it would be /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf.sh i guess
so i am off now
Loll78thanks, Cu
i will check it
A pdf file is generated, but no image is incorporated. I guess that is related to some permission problems (probably resolvable with access tokens) ??? [22:22]
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I included the information about the webkit path to the documentation. [22:40]

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