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arildb_joined #tikiwiki [08:55]
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Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [11:12]
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indianjoined #tikiwiki
I have a questions regarding the name TikiWiki
Tiki|botWelcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
indianquestion* [12:01]
Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r48063 10users/ 10(6 files in 5 dirs) * {NEW] Layout template modified for Bootstrap compatibility
03chibaguy r48064 10users/chibaguy/Bootstrap_compatible/templates/layouts/responsive_middle/layout_view.tpl * [FIX] Keyword corrected.
03chibaguy r48065 10users/chibaguy/Bootstrap_compatible/templates/layouts/responsive_middle/layout_view.tpl * [FIX] Keyword corrected.
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [12:29]
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polom [12:41]
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fabriciuspolom [13:01]
chibaguyhi fabricius [13:11]
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polomagain [13:59]
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SkiNutjoined #tikiwiki [15:13]
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fabricius?? [15:41]
chibaguypolom again [15:48]
Tiki-KGB03nkoth r48066 10branches/12.x/lib/core/Tiki/Profile/InstallHandler/Module.php * [FIX] Module profile exporter was not working [16:00]
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03jonnybradley r48067 10branches/12.x/tiki-setup.php * [FIX] chosen: Text colour (for dark background themes)
03jonnybradley r48068 10branches/12.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js * [FIX] translation: Resize side by side panels widths as well as heights
03jonnybradley r48069 10branches/12.x/ 10(5 files in 3 dirs)
[FIX] fullscreen edit: Position actions bar properly on all themes, and raise z-index to cover over some themes' random z-index settings.
Also add a background colour (some dark themes updated...)
Should fix wish4801, thanks Olaf-Michael
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [17:17]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r48070 10branches/12.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php
[FIX] trackers: $filterfield is usually an array so casting it to an int wipes the value (r47946 regression), also $ev is now initialised properly to check for empty instead of isset so filtervalue gets searched for properly (should fix wish4789, thanks Xavi)
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03jonnybradley r48071 10branches/12.x/ 10styles/layout/design.css 10templates/trackeroutput/popup.tpl
[FIX] trackers: Item popups table cells were all th, so change the data cells to td, and add some css to give a little padding and alignment (plus use "normal" class for CSS row colour cycling instead of smarty)
03jonnybradley r48072 10branches/12.x/styles/jqui.css
[FIX] jqui: Remove double border when table directly inside a cbox (as in tracker item popups)
03jonnybradley r48073 10(12 files in 9 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 48061 to 48072
Telesight1joined #tikiwiki [18:22]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [18:25]
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marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [18:52]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - Assign new module at tiki-admin_modules.php should use use Chosen - http://dev.tiki.org/item4809 [19:05]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r48074 10branches/12.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_convene.php
[FIX] convene: Delete user wasn't working if deleting more than one user due to page not reloading (so reload), also ask user before removing a row
marclaporte1joined #tikiwiki [19:11]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r48075 10branches/12.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php * [FIX] convene: Exclude from WYSIWYG rendering (was bad)
03jonnybradley r48076 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_convene.php 10trunk/lib/parser/parserlib.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 48072 to 48075
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [19:19]
marclaporte1joined #tikiwiki [19:20]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r48077 10branches/12.x/lib/wiki/editlib.php
[FIX] wysiwyg: Preserve plugin body line-ends when converting back from html to wiki
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki
jonnybmoloq marclaporte
in a bug fixing mood, what's your favourite bug in 12.x marclaporte?
(think i might have fixed the line breaks disappearing from wysiwyg plugin bodies - maybe...)
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marclaportejoined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: http://dev.tiki.org/wish4551
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r48078 10branches/12.x/templates/ 10styles/mobile/tiki-page_bar.tpl 10styles/mobile/tiki.tpl 10styles/mobile/wiki_edit_actions.tpl
[FIX] jqmobile: Update changes to customised tpls (still need to move to block inherit model for jqmobile)
jonnybyou reckon 4551 is 80% easy? was thinking about it earlier, thought it would be hard... [20:18]
marclaportehow would you do it? [20:18]
jonnybi commented on 4800 - cannot reproduce... [20:18]
marclaportemaybe someone fixed in last 7 days? [20:19]
jonnyblogging route.php errors? cheapest i guess would be to log to a plain text file in temp
i don't think it's fixed - didn't Xavi find an example?
marclaportejonnyb: plain file text because Tiki is not loaded? Why not redirect error page to a Tiki page where setup is loaded? [20:22]
jonnybbut then how to tell it to log the error? would need some new mechanism i think [20:22]
marclaportein syslog [20:23]
jonnybbut how do you do that via a GET (presumably) redirect? [20:23]
fabriciuspolom [20:28]
marclaportejonnyb: I am sure you will find a way
jonnyb:) [20:29]
marclaportepolom fabricius : you going to TikiFestBootstrap? [20:29]
jonnybjust fixing mobile - looks like the smarty inheritance thing borked that too :( [20:29]
fabriciusI am on to submit a bug report - anybody realised in Tiki12 that {img ...} is not parsed? it works in preview, but not after saving - no idea if I might have missconfigured s.th. - will try to reproduce on show.t.o
marclaporte: I would *L*O*V*E* to, but cannot afford
marclaporteSo make a hub in your city :-) [20:30]
fabriciusmarclaporte: so I throw my thoughts into the loop before [20:31]
marclaportejonnyb: dev.tiki.org/item4560?show=view&from=user [20:35]
fabriciusmarclaporte: I think, it'll be not so difficult to implement BS3 into Tiki [20:35]
marclaporte(famous last words) :-) [20:36]
fabriciusmarclaporte: do you know maybe some designers, who could make some design suggestions in only one or a few photoshop files without the need to implement in css?
marclaporte: for free and for us to licence in LGPL or in CC 3.0
or in MIT
I just today got my local groups website working responsive on phone and tablet - not having tested a lot of devices, but hopefully I get some feedback, soon
marclaportefabricius: no one comes to mind, but why not just use an existing FOSS Bootstrap theme? [20:41]
fabriciusIncluding existing standart FOSS BS theme I will try aswell marclaporte
what I made, basically is a Tiki 12.0 alpha BS3-based design using standard layout-view.tpl (with an added class for #col2 and #col3) and some parts of lite.css and design.css deleted/changed/added
the first ideas appeared based on a standard jqui.css and finally I threw out far most of jqui.css, as I @imported bootstrap.css and used the jqui-custom.css file to make up the initial theme-stylesheet
marclaporteWe have like 800 Smarty templates: how much time (on average) each will take to convert? [20:48]
fabriciusts ts ts
I believe, at first we have to put the layout apart into a classic and an optional tree - I will frame my idea in a mail quite soon
then we could try to search and replace a few css-selectors (classes) via linux console
that'll be quite fast, if it worked
like s/.button/.btn
then we also have to identify where we have corresponding selectors with different names
one thing is to make a Tiki website generally responsive based on bootstrap - only a few hours, committed quickly and should work
the other thing is to make Tiki a consistent bootstrap based piece of code - I have no idea how much work this is
if a few people work together, I think we should easily be in the position to get there before the Tiki 13 release
but how much hours to have everything fixed to the last detail? ouch, no idea
not yet
we should schedule a webinar for theme-designers and coders
maybe if I have solved a few pieces like *tiki-article_types.php* I could tell more about needed hours
in my site this table is completely broken and other admin sectors are completely breaking out of the viewport
maybe the solution will be easy, maybe not - who could assist on that? I think, it would be some idea to work on a shared code base, which would not be automerged to Tiki 12
any idea?
marclaportejonnyb: one for you: http://dev.tiki.org/item4612
fabricius: gezza and chibaguy are motivated
jonnybhmm, seems Nelson's reset pw button on a show instance doesn't work - got "Change password enforced" form and it won't let me use the same one again...
and it wants to validate an email...
sorry marclaporte, seem to have borked your show thing for wish4612 :( back to mobile...
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r48079 03branches/12.x/templates/styles/mobile/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl * jqmobile: New tpl override for wiki top line (no changes) [21:52]
lphuberdeaujoined #tikiwiki [21:55]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r48080 03branches/12.x/templates/styles/mobile/translated-lang.tpl * jqmobile: New tpl override for wiki top line (another, no changes) [22:38]
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Caarrie|awayjoined #tikiwiki [23:02]
Caarriejoined #tikiwiki [23:08]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - tiki-adminusers.php email filter is no longer working - http://dev.tiki.org/item4810 [23:11]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r48081 10branches/12.x/lib/setup/mobile.php * [FIX] jqmobile: autotoc doesn't agree with mobile
03jonnybradley r48082 10branches/12.x/templates/ 03styles/mobile/layout_view.tpl 04styles/mobile/tiki.tpl * [FIX] jqmobile: Use smarty inheritance for page layout
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Caarriejoined #tikiwiki [23:38]

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