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Sam___ | How can I make the login last longer? I seem to have to login again 1 hour after I leave my computer... this is not practical! | [00:50] |
Jyhem | Sam___: you should go and edit your default groups and look for option �Default category assigned to uncategorized objects edited by a user with this default group:� | [00:53] |
Sam___ | I solved that problem in a different way... I forced the user to choose a category, and made it possible for him to choose.
My question is now different, if you don't mind. I'm asking about session timeout | [00:55] |
Jyhem | Sam___: in tiki-admin.php?page=login → option «Remember me:» | [01:01] |
Sam___ | That enables it only for 2 hours (as if I choose the option for use to choose whether he wants to be remembered, the checkbox that asks the users says only 2 hours)
How can I modify the 2 hours thing? | [01:02] |
Jyhem | can't you set to a�always� and then the change the drop-down below to more than 2h ? | [01:04] |
Sam___ | Oh, I see. I usually use the search function to find option, and as I'm searching for "remember" to get the remember me option, the option of duration didn't show up. Now I found it and problem solved. Thanks a lot! :) | [01:07] |
Jyhem | Yes, but after you found the option with the search, it's usually a good idea to click on the link to the page where the option is, so you can see the surrounding (and usually related) ones :)
no problem | [01:09] |
Sam___ | Thanks for the hint! :)
I just realized that... I'm still new to this. | [01:15] |
Jyhem_laptop | joined #tikiwiki | [01:29] |
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Sam___ | I would like to change the tags for LaTeX plugin such that equations are written in dollar sign tags "$" rather than {Equation()}. How can I do that? | [01:44] |
.... (idle for 17mn) | ||
Ah dammit... I set the <head> in my tiki, and now it doesn't work anymore...
Could someone please tell me how to internally remove what I inserted in <head>? I mean without accessing the page I tried finding the file, in which the information is stored, but I couldn't | [02:01] | |
I had to modify the database to remove it... | [02:12] | |
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Tiki|bot | joined #tikiwiki | [03:09] |
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Caarrie | joined #tikiwiki | [03:40] |
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leagris | joined #tikiwiki | [03:58] |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: v13.1 installer bombs on Windows server 2008 r2 - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=54623
New Forum Posts: Use Tiki for 3 groups of scientists - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=54619 New Forum Posts: date-based tracker status changes? - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=54615 | [04:25] |
New Forum Posts: v13.1 installer bombs on Windows server 2008 r2 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=54623
New Forum Posts: Use Tiki for 3 groups of scientists - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=54619 New Forum Posts: date-based tracker status changes? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=54615 | [04:35] | |
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Tiki-KGB_ | joined #tikiwiki | [04:51] |
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chibaguy | joined #tikiwiki
polom | [09:12] |
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wolfganga | joined #tikiwiki
Hello Jhyhem - are you there? Jyhem | [10:32] |
Tiki-KGB | 03chibaguy r53634 10trunk/ 10(30 files in 25 dirs)
[REF][NEW] File changes to implement fivealive-lite theme redesign by luci. Two layout template directories are added (maybe just temporarily to work out the methods). "Moving headers" actually adds no new content-containing template file; its layout_view.tpl just smarty-includes an existing layout_view.tpl but it gets a distinct body class and L&F layout selector for CSS use and tikiwikito enable an easy layout switch. "h_tb_m_f_containers_3-6-3" adds another container div to raise the topbar out one level out of div.middle, to facilitate the stickiness of the divs' positions if necessary. | [10:40] |
wolfganga | When setting permissions via the groups menu (click icon permission for a group), this sets global permissions, regardless which group to chose. Is this intended behaviour? | [10:44] |
Does anyone know how the objectid in db table users_objectpermissions is calculated (the sort of hash) and why it is not a simple integer referenceing tiki_object_ids? | [10:49] | |
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Tiki-KGB | 03walper r53635 10trunk/lib/core/ 10(7 files in 4 dirs)
[DOC] Started to comment parts of the code involved in the permission system since this is quite complex. Some minor refractoring. | [11:04] |
wolfganga | A minor one: when listing tracker items and enabling comments, all fields are right assigned, only comments are centered. Is this intended? | [11:07] |
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Telesight | joined #tikiwiki | [12:35] |
Tiki-KGB | 03walper r53636 10trunk/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css * [FIX] Fixed File not found for some ajax loading icons in global base css. | [12:42] |
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03chibaguy r53637 10trunk/themes/base_files/less/tiki-miscellaneous_global.less * [FIX] Updated Less file to sync with image path fix in commit r53636 by walper. | [13:18] | |
chibaguy | joined #tikiwiki | [13:32] |
Tiki-KGB | 03chibaguy r53638 10trunk/themes/base_files/ 10less/tiki-miscellaneous_global.less 10css/tiki_base.css
[ENH] Increase icon font size slightly for better usability (consensus at Jan 23 webinar). | [13:32] |
wolfganga | chibaguy - are you there? | [13:42] |
chibaguy | hi wolfganga. | [13:42] |
wolfganga | Hi :-) i would like to add a padding to the popup windows in trackeritems thats shopws tis sort info about the item on hover
*has wriiten confusing* - i mean the popup that displays on hover in trackeritems | [13:43] |
chibaguy | Ok. | [13:44] |
wolfganga | do oyu have an idea which template to look for? | [13:44] |
chibaguy | Is this when a plugin is used in a wiki page? | [13:45] |
wolfganga | at first i thought to start in trackers, but yes it should also be changed when using the plugin in a page
just a padding of 2px or so right now it looks - mhh - "compressed" | [13:45] |
chibaguy | I suppose the code hasn't been converted to Bootstrap yet. Bootstrap usually has plenty of white space. | [13:46] |
wolfganga | anotherone for tehese popups on hover: tehy do not convert utf-8 chars | [13:47] |
chibaguy | Do you know any public examples I could look at? At doc.tiki.org or any place? | [13:47] |
wolfganga | i can simply create one
one moment | [13:48] |
chibaguy | ok | [13:48] |
Sam___ | joined #tikiwiki | [13:55] |
wolfganga | Mhh cannot setup the demo to show you bc https://dev.tiki.org/item5505? is blocking the poup configuration.
See http://xavi-9794-5455.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=2 admin/12345 I used the patch/workaround i posted in teh bugreport locally to be able to setup the popup. but bc its "ugly" i did not commit | [13:58] |
chibaguy | Sorry, but how do I activate/see the popup? What to click or hover?
Do you mean the "Edit" or "Properties" links, etc.? | [14:00] |
Sam___ | Hello. I have a question about creating the simplest plugin ever, whose purpose is just to execute a few lines of php code. Will someone assist? | [14:02] |
Tiki|bot | Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you! | [14:02] |
Sam___ | My first question is: Do I have to use the $params and $data thing? I just want some code to be executed.
I don't need any control whatsoever | [14:03] |
chibaguy | Sam___, you can check out http://dev.tiki.org/Hello%20World#To_create_a_new_plugin | [14:07] |
wolfganga | chibaguy - as i said its broken as reported in https://dev.tiki.org/item5505? . You actually cannot set fields for popup in tracker bc "List detail pop-up" does not show the fields. Anyway if you try the bugtracker http://xavi-9794-5455.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=1 and hover over an item you see at least the empty poup | [14:08] |
chibaguy | wolfganga, ah, I see. | [14:08] |
wolfganga | if it wuld be populated than it would show the fields in a table, but without any paddying.
my comment in the bugreport shows the "ugly" patch i use locally to get this poupfields configured | [14:09] |
Sam___ | Thanks, chiba. I'll check that. | [14:09] |
chibaguy | Sure, Sam___.
wolfganga, the empty popup is a Bootstrap div.popup-content and has 9px and 14px padding. Seems like that's ok. So when it gets populated with a table it seems not enough padding? An example at http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#popovers | [14:10] |
wolfganga | No its not getting any padding at all | [14:13] |
chibaguy | oh. | [14:15] |
wolfganga | This is teh created data for the popup: data-content="<div class="panel panel-default"><table class="table-bordered item"> <tr><th>Kurzbeschreibung</th><td>mm</td></tr> <tr><th>Nummer</th><td><span class='formunit'>T</span>1008</td></tr> <tr><th>Kategorie</th><td>Testcat</td></tr></table></div>" | [14:15] |
Tiki-KGB | 03chibaguy r53639 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_convene.php
[FIX] Better "undecided" background color for Convene plugin (using Bootstrap "label" classes, which include a gray color). | [14:16] |
wolfganga | You see that it uses a table structure, but teher is no padding between ros or cells
*wolfgang needs a new keyboard that misses less keystrokes* ;-) | [14:18] |
chibaguy | Ah, I see: http://zukakakina.com/trunk/Convene+test
I just pasted your code into that page since I was working there already. Yeah, self-correcting keyboards- a good idea. ;-) I added a div.panel-body around the table. I think this is the best method, to use another Bootstrap class rather than adding per-instance padding. | [14:18] |
wolfganga | Great. Btw. looks cool your site ;-)
can you commit your change? | [14:28] |
chibaguy | Thanks. Yes, please commit that if it works as you like. | [14:29] |
wolfganga | chiba - wher do i have to put this in? (i thought YOU would commit) ;-) ? | [14:37] |
chibaguy | Oh, heh.
Ok, I'll have to find out where it goes. Do you know what file naem? name | [14:38] |
wolfganga | No i do not - that was my initial question ^^
The entire bootstarp thing is actually a litte bit of a mysterium to me ^^ | [14:40] |
lindonb | joined #tikiwiki | [14:40] |
chibaguy | Ok, I'll try to find it. | [14:41] |
wolfganga | Thanyk you very much | [14:44] |
Sam___ | I have done nothing but copy the helloworld plugin from here: http://dev.tiki.org/Hello%20World#To_create_a_new_plugin . When I do so, and search for "plugin" in admin preferences, the website loses its theme (apparently some problem with syntax). Now when I remove the file "wikiplugin_helloworld.php", everything goes back to normal. Is this a bug? | [14:46] |
chibaguy | wolfganga, the popup at http://xavi-9794-5455.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=1 has the correct construction, and should have enough padding already.
It's different from the code you pasted here. If you have a case of a popup with less padding, it must be different construction than the one at show.tikiwiki.org. | [14:48] |
Sam___ | I have done nothing but copy the helloworld plugin from here: http://dev.tiki.org/Hello%20World#To_create_a_new_plugin . When I do so, and search for "plugin" in admin preferences, the website loses its theme (apparently some problem with syntax). Now when I remove the file "wikiplugin_helloworld.php", everything goes back to normal. Is this a bug? | [14:51] |
lindonb | Sam___: you’ve also followed the instructions on that page setting up the preferences for the plugin? | [14:52] |
wolfganga | Mhh - this is from the above sample: data-content="<div class="panel panel-default"><table class="table-bordered item"></table></div>"
It looks pretty much like my prevous sample. I used chrome -> inspect -> edit html for an item in http://xavi-9794-5455.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=1 btw. i use trunk updated some hours ago | [14:52] |
chibaguy | You mean when you hover over the item link, like "Another buggy feature X"? I get 'div class="popover-content">
<div class="panel panel-default"> <table class="table-bordered item"/>' Ah, ok, the same. | [14:57] |
Sam___ | lindonb: As far as I understood, all I had to do is create the file and put the code in it with two functions that I copied from there. Is there anything else at all? | [14:58] |
chibaguy | wolfganga, I don't know where your earlier code example is from. | [14:59] |
lindonb | Sam___: yes, it’s on that page - need to set up preferences for the plugin | [14:59] |
wolfganga | its from my local system using trunk from today
as i said - i use that "ugly" patch to allow setting up the popupfields | [15:00] |
chibaguy | Oh.
What file did you edit? I don't know where the code is for that popup. | [15:01] |
Sam___ | lindonb can you please help me with the reason why I'm trying to do a plugin, because this plugin thing may not be necessary
I just need your attention for a minute, if you don't mind | [15:03] |
lindonb | i’ll try | [15:03] |
wolfganga | See in the comments of my bugreport: https://dev.tiki.org/item5505? there is a detaild description. | [15:04] |
Sam___ | OK. All I'm trying to do is actiavate mathjax with a specific set of preference. I tried doing this by adding some code in the <head> part of HTML, but something is wrong there.
So all I want to add there is the following code: <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_SVG"></script> <script type="text/x-mathjax-config">MathJax.Hub.Config({tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$']]}});</script> This is tested on other websites, like this one www.afach.de . You can see it in the header of the page | [15:05] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: r53638 font-size for icons - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=54626
New Forum Posts: v13.1 installer bombs on Windows server 2008 r2 - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=54623 New Forum Posts: Use Tiki for 3 groups of scientists - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=54619 | [15:06] |
Sam___ | But when I enter it in tiki, the whole website stops working!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please test the code yourself, lindonb, and check it in my other website www.afach.de This is completely not understandable! | [15:06] |
lindonb | Sam___: have you tried PluginJs or PluginJq? | [15:08] |
Sam___ | Not really. But it's simple code that has to go to the header, and it's not all javascript
The first part is javascript. The second part is a specific code for mathjax | [15:09] |
chibaguy | wolfganga, ok, I'll check. It's late here but I'll take a look tomorrow. | [15:12] |
wolfganga | Thank you | [15:12] |
lindonb | Sam___: how are you adding to <head>? | [15:13] |
Sam___ | In look & feel, I go to customization, and there a part for <head>
I just put the code there | [15:13] |
lindonb | Sam___: and you use the {literal}{/literal} tag? | [15:14] |
Sam___ | No. Should I? | [15:14] |
lindonb | would try it, see example under the input box | [15:15] |
Sam___ | So just wrap my code with {literal}{/literal}? | [15:15] |
lindonb | yes | [15:15] |
Sam___ | OK. I'll check. Give me a minute. | [15:15] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: r53638 font-size for icons - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=54626
New Forum Posts: v13.1 installer bombs on Windows server 2008 r2 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=54623 New Forum Posts: Use Tiki for 3 groups of scientists - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=54619 | [15:16] |
Sam___ | It works! Thanks a lot!
I'm so grateful, and sorry I didn't notice the literal thing. | [15:18] |
lindonb | np, glad it worked! | [15:18] |
Sam___ | Now I don't need plugins :) | [15:18] |
lindonb | yes, that’s good thing…
fyi, that input box interprets your code as smarty syntax and {literal} is a smarty tag that keeps the content from being interpreted wolfganga: btw, i asked jonnyb about your bug report on popup fields but he said it was working fine for him which is a shame because he could fix it i have the same issue you have what is the “ugly” fix you have for it | [15:18] |
wolfganga | The "ugly" fix is described in teh comment to the bug report: https://dev.tiki.org/item5505?#contenttabs_view_tracker_item-2
basically i enable the textinput field again to alow to insert the field ids But i think thi is not intended I *could* commit it, but i dare that this would never ever get fixed properly then. if jonnyb would give the test instance a try, he would see right away that it fails | [15:30] |
lindonb | he said that show insance is out of date and it works fine on his local trunk
but i have the same issue on an up-to-date trunk agree you should commit that fix - would just leave for your site and see if we can’t get someone to look at it | [15:36] |
wolfganga | Mhh - than 2 things. 1.) show instance might be useless when working on trunk. 2.) how is this possible that his trunk works and other not.... | [15:37] |
lindonb | would you be able to demo on an up-to-date trunk that people could access? | [15:38] |
wolfganga | I am usally fimiliar with ajax stuff - but : in tiki - so many classes and files are involved (on top with smarty templates) that debugging becomes a real pain.
and there are very ew to none commenst inside the code, this makes it even harder | [15:39] |
lindonb | agree, especially in the tracker area, it’s LPH magic!
which makes it dificult for us mere mortals | [15:40] |
wolfganga | yes :-) althought i start to become more fimilar with trackers and their code - fixed already some bugs
and when talking about this - perms are difficult as well. i debugged perms for about 16+ hours over two days - the stack trace involves about 20+ invocations.... | [15:40] |
lindonb | yes they are - they were also refactored by LPH | [15:42] |
wolfganga | lindonb - yes i might be able to setup a public accessable tiki for trunk. | [15:43] |
lindonb | good, then I can respond to jonny’s mail with that url to see if he or anyone can help | [15:43] |
wolfganga | btw - LPH magic means? | [15:44] |
lindonb | LPH is a Tiki developer | [15:44] |
wolfganga | ah i see | [15:44] |
lindonb | an amazing coder
can do anything but takes a while for others to catch up :) | [15:44] |
wolfganga | if LPH has writen the perms stuff i know would you meean (factories, interfaces, accessors, magic getters....)
But: i would be great if this excellent code would be documented i started to document my findings inside teh classes (commited today) - you can see them in varoius perms accessor classes | [15:45] |
lindonb | yes, light on documentation because it’s all self-explanatory to LPH :)
yes, saw your commits - a very good thing to add comments where we can - thank you! | [15:46] |
wolfganga | Example from /lib/core/perms/check/Alternate.php:
/* * Check permission as given by the constructor for a specific list of groups * This function requires that $this->setResolver($resolver) has been set before. Otherwise it will always return false. * @param Perms_Resolver $resolver - not used * @param array $context - not used * @param string $name - not used * @param array $groups - list of groups to check permission against * @return boolean $hasPermission- tr | [15:47] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r53640 10branches/ 10(40 files in 30 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 53624 to 53639 | [15:48] |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki
polom | [15:48] |
lindonb | wolfganga: yes, that’s very helpful
polom jonny! | [15:48] |
wolfganga | I wish anyone would use the phpdoc notaion - then the code documentation could be autoatically created using phpdoc | [15:48] |
jonnyb | hi lindonb | [15:48] |
lindonb | jonnyb: you on the webinar? | [15:49] |
jonnyb | yes, i was there | [15:49] |
lindonb | everything is decided regarding icons?
do we still need to wait before working on templates to avoid conflicts? | [15:50] |
jonnyb | i have one more bit of refactoring to merge back into trunk for tiki14_themes branch but we're not going to delay branching until all the icons are done
the change i made to iconsets mean you don't need to add anything to the iconset definition to use the default icons in the set | [15:51] |
lindonb | ok, will wait for the all clear then | [15:53] |
wolfganga | hello jonnyb - can you reproduce the bug "Tracker: Popup list details (Item tooltip) can no longer be configured - fields do not show up" reported here: https://dev.tiki.org/item5505? | [15:55] |
jonnyb | hi wolfganga - no that one works fine for me on my local - think i replied on the list (or a comment) | [15:56] |
wolfganga | I have setup 3 instances (1 windows 2 x linux) all using trunk - and they all showup this issue.
Could it be theme related? As mentioned, the problem occurs when you deselect fields from the popup - they do not show up again thus not being selectable again. Does your local box still use the text input field? | [15:56] |
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jonnyb - i do not want to bother you, but it seems some more people have the problem that tracker popus on hover do no longer work. Did you have a look to the temporary fix i proposed in the comments to that issue? | [16:23] | |
lindonb | wolfganga: sorry, meant to say above you should *not* make that commit | [16:37] |
jonnyb | sorry wolfganga - will look into it soon | [16:37] |
lindonb | agree there must be a better solution | [16:37] |
wolfganga | I agree to. thats why i did not commit. jonnyb if i can assist you - anytime ;-) | [16:39] |
jonnyb | thanks, just trying to merge the last bits from tiki14_themes into trunk (always fun!) | [16:39] |
wolfganga | i am used to work with the sencha js framework and pur single page apps - i am not really used to mix js with smarty/templates.
;-) | [16:39] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r53641 10(27 files in 16 dirs)
[MRG] tiki14_themes: Part two, iconset files renames to yourstyle.php or youroption.php, plus all built-in icons now available in templates for the default font awsome and glyphicons sets. Full merge details here again: https://themes.tiki.org/Concept+and+Design | [16:46] |
lindonb | great job jonnyb! | [16:47] |
jonnyb | thanks lindonb - i think that's everything experimental so go go go with the templates! (if you like ;) ) | [16:47] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: r53638 font-size for icons - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=54626
New Forum Posts: v13.1 installer bombs on Windows server 2008 r2 - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=54623 New Forum Posts: Use Tiki for 3 groups of scientists - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=54619 | [16:48] |
lindonb | jonnyb: will do! so you’re saying that all icons that we are using have now been defined so we shouldn’t have to add any more definitions | [16:50] |
jonnyb | only if you want to make a special tiki "alias" for an icon, if you just want to use the font awesome ones they all should be available directly
here's the list http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/cheatsheet/ | [16:51] |
lindonb | I see, by their regular font-awesome names
cool - and these still get converted if you change icon sets? | [16:53] |
jonnyb | should do, but obviously that icon needs to be in the set you change to - if not i guess it would need adding to the icons array like the tiki ones | [16:54] |
lindonb | got it - dass ist einfach wunderbar! | [16:55] |
jonnyb | :) | [16:56] |
lindonb | much better than coming up with our own crazy names | [16:56] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: r53638 font-size for icons - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=54626
New Forum Posts: v13.1 installer bombs on Windows server 2008 r2 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=54623 New Forum Posts: Use Tiki for 3 groups of scientists - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=54619 | [16:58] |
wolfganga | Amyone using the filemanager? | [16:59] |
jonnyb | wolfganga: so i'm having a look at https://dev.tiki.org/item5505 - downloading the show instance database, i think there's something wrong in the data...
how do you mean "using the filenamager"? | [17:00] |
wolfganga | the problen ist taht the field popupfields is emtpy | [17:00] |
jonnyb | i use the file galleries a lot | [17:00] |
wolfganga | it is empty bc the listbox shows only entries of that field
so if you deselect an field in the listbox the listbox does no longer show that field on the next invocation | [17:01] |
jonnyb | it does nave something in it, an option with the value "trackerfield:n" which looks like a data problem | [17:02] |
wolfganga | from my understanding - the ajax call must query the fields, and then the fields as listed in the field poupfields - and the set those fields as "selected" in the listbox | [17:03] |
jonnyb | aha, think that's a clue!
fixed it! seems that object selector depends on unified index being available | [17:04] |
wolfganga | so fast? wow!
can you commit - would like to see the change (and get rid of my local patch) ^^? | [17:07] |
lindonb | wolfganga: i told you he would nail it :) | [17:07] |
wolfganga | btw. debugging the ajax stuff with the smarty templates is a nightmare for me - how do you do this?
@lindon - yes you did ;-) @jonnyb - may i ask you for another annoying bug that might be easily to fix (for you)? | [17:08] |
jonnyb | sure, just ask :) | [17:10] |
wolfganga | When a wiki page has a namespace - you cannot add a comment as a regular user | [17:10] |
jonnyb | we need to fix the object_selector_multi object to do something when unified search is disabled... | [17:11] |
wolfganga | when you rename that page to not using a namespace - it works
so if the namespace sep. like :_: is used, then the ajax driven comment box does not show up Hey - i even filled a bug for that: https://dev.tiki.org/item5532? * wolfgang hates filing bugs but understands that this is necessary* | [17:11] |
lindonb | jonnyb: you are right (I’m sure you knew that!) - I rebuilt my index and the list popup field thing works | [17:19] |
jonnyb | i think those objects just need to return a simple input if unified is off
wolfganga: sorry, i've never really messed with namespace thing but i always thought that seperator was wrong - colons aren't allowed in urls paths | [17:20] |
lindonb | jonnyb: makes sense, like the old input field where you put in comma-separated field ids | [17:21] |
jonnyb | yy
on it | [17:21] |
wolfganga | jonnyb - btw. The popup has probelms to properly display utf-8 chars like � � etc. can have a look thir, too? | [17:22] |
lindonb | jonnyb: but people will still get confused if unified search is on but they need to rebuild (or build for the first time) the index
probably need some warning text | [17:23] |
wolfganga | i mean th etracker item poup | [17:23] |
lindonb | wolfganga: does it work for you if you rebuild your index? | [17:24] |
jonnyb | don't like the sound of that, tiki's beoming plastered with comments and warnings, makes it hard to use imho | [17:24] |
lindonb | agree with that actually | [17:24] |
jonnyb | i'll make a dependecy on the pref but we can't check if the index is healthy really | [17:25] |
wolfganga | one moment - i did nit enable unified search (bc it did not work for me for non-admin acounts) -
just try itnow | [17:25] |
jonnyb | still trying to see where this trckeritem:n comes from | [17:25] |
lindonb | we just need amazing docs then ;) | [17:25] |
wolfganga | Yupp - works when using the unified index | [17:28] |
lindonb | sweet! | [17:29] |
wolfganga | So is the unified index a requirement for the poups to work?
Or did you patch it that it works without? | [17:31] |
lindonb | no patch needed
but to jonny’s point, there should be an alternative if unified index isn’t on but even with index on there can be issues if the index hasn’t been rebuilt | [17:33] |
wolfganga | i see | [17:35] |
lindonb | the index was on but out of date in my case | [17:35] |
wolfganga | another thing weher you guys might can help: when uploading via filemanager, is this correct that i get a whithe screen but nothing else (after pressing "upload")? | [17:36] |
lindonb | no
you mean file gallery, right? | [17:37] |
wolfganga | yes | [17:37] |
jonnyb | just about everything modern and good in tiki needs unified index :) | [17:37] |
lindonb | shouldn’t be a white screen, something’s wrong | [17:37] |
wolfganga | the file gets uploaded - its just that i have a white screen when hitting upload | [17:37] |
lindonb | jonnyb: very true | [17:38] |
mobius | joined #tikiwiki | [17:38] |
wolfganga | the file gets uploaded, but the brwoser shows a white screen - ....
btw. i use a file store - not a database store | [17:43] |
lindonb | ok, so you’re seeing the file get loaded to the server | [17:44] |
wolfganga | yes its in the file store - and when i reload the page (using a diff. tab so no POST) i can download that file
i use Progressbar during upload: Ajax/flash based | [17:45] |
lindonb | can that be turned off? | [17:48] |
wolfganga | just checking
yes it works whn disabled - | [17:48] |
fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [17:49] |
wolfganga | really this is sometimes fustrating - the things do not work and we are in version 14
xdebug is always in standby ... ^^ btw. to popup on hover in the file gallerie has a nice format. would be great if those for the trackeritems could be similar | [17:50] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r53642 10trunk/lib/ 10smarty_tiki/function.object_selector.php 10smarty_tiki/function.object_selector_multi.php
[FIX] object_selector: Add feature_search pref test for object_selector and object_selector_multi and return a simple text input if possible. Will still fail if the index isn't up to date that would be much harder to test for... Should address http://dev.tiki.org/wish5505 thanks wolfganga and lindonb | [17:58] |
jonnyb | that Progressbar upload "feature" never worked, was just dumped and left broken several tikis ago
shall we KIL it? ;) | [17:59] |
lindonb | jonnyb: probably - it’s never worked since i can remember
and thanks for the quick work with your last commit - jonnyb to the rescue! | [17:59] |
wolfganga | yes - kill it. featrues that did not work for a long time do create more fustration than anything else. | [18:03] |
jonnyb: do you know why the db table users_objectpermissions uses a sort of hash as the objectId? example: Anonymous|tiki_p_search|category|c661488faee77fd64c9a89d64188d57b
i do not see a ref. of c661488faee77fd64c9a89d64188d57b anywher else in the database | [18:10] | |
jonnyb | no, not noticed that
it used to be just an int | [18:10] |
wolfganga | i thought that, too. i.e tiki_categorized_objects, tiki_category_objects
i spent 2 days on debugging permissiosn and stumbled across this. but i have not seen any usage of that id/hash | [18:12] |
jonnyb | seems it was like that since at least tiki 12 | [18:12] |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: InterTiki stop working after upgrade - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=54628 | [18:28] |
wolfganga | Updated the 2 issues in the bug tracker.
jonnyb: changing the namepsace seperator to someting else not using colons seem to work. i know use '--' instead of ':_:' which is the default. Strange engough though, files attachment have worked... | [18:37] |
.... (idle for 16mn) | ||
jonnyb | wolfganga: good to hear, but i wonder what should be done about it - i did point out that created invalid urls when it was discussed a few years ago... | [18:54] |
wolfganga | i get your point. just saying the it somehow at least works with file attachments (whicht from html/js point of view are certainly similar to to the non working comment code) and that it *might* be an option to change the *defazlt* namespace sep. to something that works. | [18:58] |
Sam___ | Hello. Is it possible to change the file names of the tiki platform? Like change tiki-index.php to index.php, and so on? | [18:58] |
wolfganga | i mean in 3 hours as of today we faced 3 issues that require either some specific feature, specific settings or do not work at all (like the flash uploader). This easyly sums up quick.... | [18:59] |
Sam___ | Hello. Is it possible to change the file names of the tiki platform? Like change tiki-index.php to index.php, and so on? | [19:02] |
wolfganga | *Mabye* i have no personal experience - you use enable seo together with the required htaccess / rewrite settings. BUT: Lot of links might refer to some tiki-xyz.php pages anyway. | [19:06] |
Sam___ | Isn't there an automated way to do this? This is a horrible weakness that people know the platform used in the website! It takes someone an hour of work on my wordpress page to know that I use wordpress!!! | [19:07] |
wolfganga | And . whats the problem he knows you use wordpress? Is this bc auf security concerns? | [19:08] |
Sam___ | yep | [19:08] |
wolfganga | Frankly - this is not rteally something that helps for security. It might make it more difficult for "script kiddies", but not for a hacker. | [19:09] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r53643 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 5 dirs)
[KIL] fgal_upload_progressbar: Remove feature as it has never worked - currently creates WSoD on file upload (and if you want a nice file upload progress bar use elFinder ;) | [19:10] |
Sam___ | Well, there are 10 times more script kiddies than professional hackers in the world ;) | [19:10] |
wolfganga | We are using shopware as a shp system. (www.shopware.de). the code is public.
So anyone can get access to it - and they will now we are using shopware. does this make our shop unsecure. NO. Bc the code is secure. And if there is an exploit, it needs to be fixed. ^^ | [19:10] |
lindonb | jonnyb, man of action 8) - thanks again! | [19:11] |
Sam___ | I agree, it's just about making it harder to crack... pretty much like why you add salt to your encrypted keys :)
So there's no supported way to do this... | [19:12] |
.... (idle for 15mn) | ||
jonnyb | ok, done for now, more soon
Sam___: i tihnk you might be able to use the sefurl feature to do what you want for "normal" public facing pages and you could customise the patterns in route.php to change things bye | [19:27] |
Jyhem_laptop | polom
+1 for KIl ing the progress bar. nobody has a clue how to fix it | [19:32] |
lindonb | polom jyhem_laptop
yes, nice that jonny did killed that one | [19:33] |
Jyhem_laptop | according to my logs, the script kiddies don't care what software you run. They run whatever script they find against any Ip they can think of
I see windows exploits against my linux servers all the time :) I was reading the backlog. I did not see my opinion came too late :) | [19:36] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: InterTiki stop working after upgrade - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=54628
New Forum Posts: r53638 font-size for icons - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=54626 New Forum Posts: v13.1 installer bombs on Windows server 2008 r2 - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=54623 | [19:49] |
New Forum Posts: InterTiki stop working after upgrade - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=54628
New Forum Posts: r53638 font-size for icons - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=54626 New Forum Posts: v13.1 installer bombs on Windows server 2008 r2 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=54623 | [19:59] | |
Sam___ | How can I create an option inside a section? I looked in the book tiki for smarties and it's not so clear. I mean I have put the section name in the option and the latter has a higher position number... and yet it doesn't fall under the section item...
I'm talking about menus, hope that was clear. Anyone, please? | [20:12] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r53644 10trunk/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl
[FIX] icons: Fix wiki_plugin_edit_view toggle icon, could do with some CSS love :) | [20:20] |
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03jonnybradley r53645 10trunk/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl * [FIX] icons: Fix wysiwyg_inline_edit icon toggle | [20:36] | |
Sam___ | How can I create an option inside a section as a menu? I looked in the book tiki for smarties and it's not so clear. I mean I have put the section name in the option and the latter has a higher position number... and yet it doesn't fall under the section item...
Anyone, please? | [20:40] |
fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [20:45] |
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Sam___ | Anyone, please help with my menu problem! | [21:17] |
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lindonb | Sam___: perhaps the main application menu (id 42) could help? you can clone it and see how the menu items are organized | [21:32] |
Sam___ | OK, I'll try that. | [21:34] |
lindonb: I don't see anything special there. I'm starting to wonder whether I can, at all, have expandable menus in the main horizontal menu on the top!!
Because what I'm trying to do is make something expandable out of that... like expand more options on mousover Is that possible? | [21:40] | |
lindonb | have you tried {menu id=XX type=horiz} in the topbar zone? | [21:48] |
Sam___ | I'm editing the default top menu... so it's already there!
I'm just unable to add child objects to existing menus It's menu 43, by default | [21:49] |
lindonb: With a lot of experimentation I found that menus cannot be drop down with sections if they're not boxed. Is this true??? | [22:03] | |
lindonb | not sure, i’ve only done the basics with menus | [22:04] |
Sam___ | This software is so customizable that it becomes annoying... it reminds me of KDE when I first used it... | [22:05] |
lindonb | lots to learn in the beginning, that’s for sure | [22:06] |
Sam___ | Let's hope I learn fast enough that my boss doesn't kill me and say "you gotta be doing physics not webdesign"... I'm really starting to worry... Thanks for trying to help though. | [22:07] |
lindonb | np, best of luck! | [22:09] |
.......... (idle for 49mn) | ||
Tiki-KGB | 03lindonb r53646 10trunk/templates/modules/mod-last_visitors.tpl
[FIX] module: Last visitors module was showing current time for last login for users who never logged in - show "Never logged in" instead | [22:58] |
fabricius | heya Sam___ ... whaz da problem whith menus?
Sam___: Tiki version? type of menu? | [23:00] |
Sam___ | I'm just unable to create child items on the main menu
13.1 | [23:00] |
fabricius | applied bootstrap or css?
main menu - 42 or a custom one? the 42 is not customisable! you would have to clone it and then customise the cloned version, wich then would be 43+ but not 42 | [23:01] |
Sam___ | In fact 43... so now I have a weird incident while trying to use the available menu... I cloned 42, and edited the copy (44), and 42 got modified as well...
It's a mess... I'm so confused... there's definitely a bug, and the menu 42 doesn't reset and gives a PHP error | [23:02] |
fabricius | or you talk about the usual menu used as main navigation menu in the top bar, ... so a fully custom menu .. sure 43 is the second menu in Tiki, and the first one an admin creates after a fresh installation | [23:03] |
Sam___ | when I try to reset 42 I get this error: PHP (5.6.4-1~dotdeb.1) ERROR (E_WARNING): File: lib/cache/cachelib.php Line: 375 Type: readdir() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given | [23:04] |
fabricius | I cannot believe that if you edit the copied version (44) the original (42) would be edited aswell ... very unlikely and imho a very strange bug | [23:04] |
Sam___ | It happens! and now I can't reset 42 | [23:04] |
fabricius | cleared Tiki caches? | [23:05] |
Sam___ | nope
yesterday I deteled /temp/cache though I recreated cache now, but menu 42 does not reset still How about I give you admin credentials and you come see for yourself, fabricius | [23:05] |
fabricius: are you testing this yourself? And now I see a real bug: PHP (5.6.4-1~dotdeb.1) ERROR (E_WARNING): File: lib/menubuilder/menulib.php Line: 736 Type: usort() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, function 'compare_menu_options' not found or invalid function name | [23:18] | |
fabricius | sorry Sam___ .. having been away from keyboard | [23:28] |
Sam___ | No problem... but please let me know how to proceed because this is apparently a bug... | [23:28] |
fabricius | yes credentials for a quick look
query | [23:28] |
Sam___ | How can I give them to you securely?
not in front of everyone | [23:28] |
fabricius | query or email
moment Sam___: you see the query now? I did send you a private message | [23:29] |
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