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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Homepage settings: Tiki root and path problem - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=47971 [02:17]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [02:27]
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PenguinMan98hey fabricius
I still can't get the emails working. I have one last thing to try before I throw my hands up and scream
And that is the interface with GMAIL's smtp servers
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fabriciushey ho PenguinMan98
just now saw you
PenguinMan98sup [03:16]
fabriciusso your test Tiki cannot send notification mails?? [03:16]
PenguinMan98neither can [03:17]
fabriciusdid you try to send a test email when you did let the installer run the first time? [03:17]
PenguinMan98yes. It failed [03:17]
fabriciusneither? the original aswell not?
or only the test installation?
where you try to fix the problem?
PenguinMan98None of them can [03:17]
fabriciuson a windows server? [03:17]
The same server with PHPBB sent mails just fine
fabriciuscan any other php software on this server send email?
is it Apache?
PenguinMan98But if I just load up a simple testmail script using PHP sendmail, it fails [03:18]
fabriciusdid you check, if a) Tiki uses sendmail and b) PHPBB uses sendmail? [03:19]
PenguinMan98I have no idea what phpbb uses
I don't really know what tiki uses either. I just know sendmail isn't working
fabriciusI do not know if Tiki uses sendmail, but if yes and PHPBB not, that would be a direction to check [03:20]
PenguinMan98I installed an smtp mailserver on my computer and I run it and the error goes away but the mail doesn't go out
my php ini
goj_killedByISPjoined #tikiwiki [03:23]
fabriciushumm is sendmail any available for windows?
maybe it is not installed on your machine?
PenguinMan98sendmail is part of PHP [03:24]
fabriciusmaybe PHPBB has a capability to use s.th. else instead
PenguinMan98the what? [03:25]
ability, skill, power, knowledge about
PHPBB is able to send mails via SMTP for example - afaik
PenguinMan98PenguinMan98 shrugs. If I knew this, I'd probably be closer to a solution. I just assume everything uses php sendmail [03:36]
maybe Tiki is sending with mail() instead of sendmail? or vice versa
I recon, sendmail is not php - it is Linux, respectively Unix and PHP can use it ... or mail()
sendmail is included by default by the upmost Linux distributions ... maybe not in windows
you should first hand find out, what your server offers to send mails, then what PHPBB uses and aswell, what Tiki wants to use and where that is coded ... I think there should be the path to go
just have been thinking, it might be a problem that Windows has missing s.th. that Linux/Unix has by default
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PenguinMan98what is s.th?
I'll check into that, thanks
tiki uses mail()
fabriciuss.th. = some thing [04:29]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lindonb r46643 10trunk/lib/core/ 10Table/Code/Pager.php 10Table/Settings/Users.php
tikiwiki [ENH] tablesorter: now multi-column sort works - press shift and click on columns to sort
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PenguinMan98fabricius: , you didn't give me a username and password!
oh well
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arildb_joined #tikiwiki [07:48]
PenguinMan98Well, what I want now, is a quick script to get the groups a user is in
I've been experimenting with this snippet: http://screencast.com/t/qPq2wgnG
but calling $userlib->get_user_groups($user_id) returns an empty array.
arildb__joined #tikiwiki [08:04]
PenguinMan98No, I take that back, it always returns the same array with just 'registered' in it [08:05]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: (LONG) Your clip on tv.tiki.org - Kaltura - Going to YouTube - 1) Two clips ready to be launched 2) Sharing the Google account for tv.tiki.org ie youtube account 3) Your video clip April tikifest 4) More Kaltura enigmas - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=47974 [14:58]
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refizulIs there a description of mailinglists and forums and the detection mechanism, how the forum knows about a post coming from the forum (and not post again)?
Posts from forum A to a list go to a forum B in a different Tiki, but they don't appa
Posts from forum A to a list go to a forum B in a different Tiki, but they don't appeat there
Posts from forum A to a list go to a forum B in a different Tiki, but they don't appear there // [sorry]
how will forum B know about forum A and think, a post was from forum B and drop it?

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